The history of Mathematics. |
An equilateral triangle. | A right-angled triangle. |
The pythagorician knotted rope -a Tribute to Pythagore-. | The pythagorician knotted rope. | The pythagorician knotted rope. |
A demonstration of the Pythagoras' theorem. | A demonstration of the Pythagoras' theorem. | A demonstration of the Pythagoras' theorem using a very poor picture. |
Two sets. |
A bijection. | A bijection. |
To count the members of a set. |
A set 'E'. | Two subsets 'SE1' and 'SE2' of a set 'E'. | Two sets 'SE1' and 'SE2'. | A set 'F' with two elements 'SE1' and 'SE2'. |
France covered with digits. |
The four first power sets {P(E),P(P(E)),P(P(P(E))),P(P(P(P(E))))} of a one-element set E. | The Continuum Hypothesis (CH). | The Continuum Hypothesis (CH). |
How to compute 'pi' with a gun. |
The 20 first digits {141592...} of 'pi' displayed on an helix -orange-. | The 20 first digits {141592...} of 'pi' displayed on an helix -orange-. |
Generation of the 63 first Conway's surreal numbers. | Generation of the 63x63 first Conway's surreal complex numbers. |
The continuity. | The differentiability. | Definition of a tangent -orange- by means of a secant -red-. |
The Continuity. | The Differentiability. | Definition of a Tangent -yellow- by means of a Secant -orange-. | The Velocity Vector. |
A cube. | The volume of a cube K -U being the unity cube-. |
A point. |
A 0-cube -a point-. | A 1-cube -a segment-. | A 2-cube -a square-. | A 3-cube -a cube-. | A 4-cube -an hypercube-. |
A 0-cube -a point-. | A 1-cube -a segment-. | A 2-cube -a square-. | A 3-cube -a cube-. | A 4-cube -an hypercube-. |
A distorded -for the sake of display- 5-cube -an hyperhypercube-. |
The Golden Rectangle. | Recursive subdivision of the Golden Rectangle by means of the Golden Ratio -phi-. |
The two subdivisions of the 'flat' Golden Triangle. | The 'flat' Golden Triangle. | One of the two subdivisions of the 'flat' Golden Triangle. | One of the two subdivisions of the 'flat' Golden Triangle. |
The two subdivisions of the 'sharp' Golden Triangle. | The 'sharp' Golden Triangle. | One of the two subdivisions of the 'sharp' Golden Triangle. | One of the two subdivisions of the 'sharp' Golden Triangle. |
The hexagonal underlying network used to define the 'EinStein' aperiodic 'Spectre' tiling. | The 'EinStein' aperiodic 'Spectre' tile. |
The 'Mystic' made of two 'EinStein' aperiodic 'Spectre' tiles. |
Tridimensional representation of our familiar tridimensional space. |
A straigth line -a monodimensional manifold- or a cylinder -a bidimensional manifold- in the distance?. | A cylinder -a bidimensional manifold-. | A cylinder -a bidimensional manifold-. |
To add two numbers. | To multiply two numbers. |
The abelian -commutative- group defined on elliptic curves. |
The self-similarity of the von Koch curve. | The self-similarity of the von Koch curve displayed by means of a zoom in with a ratio that is equal to 3. |
A perfect bidimensional fractal tree and the self-similarity. | A perfect bidimensional fractal tree and the self-similarity. | The self-similarity of a perfect bidimensional fractal tree. |
A random bidimensional fractal tree and the self-similarity. | The self-similarity of a random bidimensional fractal tree. |
The Cantor Triadic Set -iterations 0 to 5-. |
An extended Menger Sponge -iteration 1- displaying the 27 first digits -base 2- of 'pi'. | An extended Menger Sponge -iteration 2- displaying the 378 first digits -base 2- of 'pi'. |
A Bidimensional Hilbert-like Curve defined with {X1(...),Y1(...)} -iteration 1-. | A Bidimensional Hilbert-like Curve defined with {X2(...),Y2(...)} -iteration 2-. |
Tridimensional Hilbert Curve -iteration 1-. | Tridimensional Hilbert Curve -iteration 2-. | Tridimensional Hilbert Curve -iteration 3-. | Tridimensional Hilbert Curve -iteration 4-. |
The Mandelbrot set. | Bidimensional zoom in on the Mandelbrot set. | Iterations in the complex plane. | Iterations in the complex plane: the computation of the Mandelbrot set. |
A Douady rabbit -a complex Julia set computed with A=(-0.13,+0.77)- with display of the arguments. | Iterations in the complex plane: the computation of a Julia set. |
Computation of the roots of Z3=1 using Newton's method. | Visualization of the Newton's method when computing the roots of Z3=1. |
Along the border of the Mandelbrot set. |
The iterative process used to generate bidimensional fractal fields (large mesh). | The iterative process used to generate bidimensional fractal fields (large mesh). |
A medium with percolation -top to bottom- using the 4-connexity. | A medium with percolation -top to bottom- using the 8-connexity. |
Fractal diffusion front in a bidimensional medium obtained by means of a random walk process. |
The actual relative sizes of the Solar System bodies. |
From Pluto to the Sun. | The journey of an Earth-like planet (green) in the Solar System -point of view of the virtual planet-. |
Artistic view of gravitational waves. | Gravitation and space-time curvature. | Gravitation and space-time curvature. |
The Many World Theory of Hugh Everett. |
The Lorenz attractor. |
The configuration entropy of a set of n=64 particles. |
Free fall in the vacuum. |
The rain (or the snow) is falling. |
A childish Sun. |
A color palette with an increasing luminance. | From cold to warm colors. | From cold to warm colors. | The same bidimensional scalar field displayed with 4 different color palettes. |
The RGB cube and the additive synthesis of colors. | Anaglyphic glasses. |
The 'Tapestry' effect applied to a right-angled triangle. | The 'CenterOf' effect applied to a right-angled triangle. |
Clockwise. | Anticlockwise -trigonometric-. |
Simple chessboard. | Simple chessboard. | Simple chessboard. | Simple chessboard. |
Railroad Tracks. |