Iterations in the complex plane: the computation of a Julia set [Itérations dans le plan complexe: le calcul d'un ensemble de Julia].
When computing a Julia set in the complex plane, one iterates
the following computation:
Z = C
Z = Z + A
n+1 n
where 'C' denotes the current point and A=(-0.13,+0.77) for this "Douady rabbit".
Then there are two cases: Z(n+1) stays in the vicinity of the origin (then C belongs to the Julia set -black domain-) or
Z(n+1) goes to the infinity (then C does not belong to the Julia set).
This picture displays the trajectories of "current points" C located on a regular 2x2 grid and displayed as big disks.
(CMAP28 WWW site: this page was created on 03/18/2019 and last updated on 03/18/2019 15:05:23 -CET-)