Gallery (133 different pictures):

Celestial Mechanics

[Galerie (133 images différentes) : Mécanique Céleste]

The Solar System with a dark blue virtual planet -virtual planet point of view-

Jean-François COLONNA
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CMAP (Centre de Mathématiques APpliquées) UMR CNRS 7641, École polytechnique, Institut Polytechnique de Paris, CNRS, France

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(CMAP28 WWW site: this page was created on 03/15/2000 and last updated on 02/14/2025 12:35:02 -CET-)

  • Celestial Mechanics [Mécanique Céleste]:

  • Non Chaotical Systems
    [Systèmes non Chaotiques]
    Chaotical Systems
    [Systèmes Chaotiques]
    The Solar System
    [Le Système Solaire]
    Heliocentric Views of the Solar System
    [Vues Héliocentriques du Système Solaire]
    Non Heliocentric Views of the Solar System
    [Vues non Héliocentriques du Système Solaire]
    Geocentric Views of the Solar System
    [Vues Géocentriques du Système Solaire]
    "Jupiter-centric" -on the plane of Pluto- Views of the Solar System
    [Le Système Solaire vu depuis le plan de Pluton à une distance égale à celle de Jupiter]
    "Neptune-centric" -on the plane of Pluto- Views of the Solar System
    [Le Système Solaire vu depuis le plan de Pluton à une distance égale à celle de Neptune]
    "Pluto-centric" Views of the Solar System
    [Le Système Solaire vu depuis Pluton]
    "Nine Planets Gravity Center" Views of the Solar System
    [Le Système Solaire vu depuis le Centre de Gravité des neuf planètes]
    More Point of View Interpolation in the Solar System
    [Plus d'Interpolations de Point de Vue dans le Système Solaire]

  • Celestial Mechanics [Mécanique Céleste]:
  • [More information about the N-Body Problem]
    [More information about the Solar System]
    [More information about the Virtual Chaos]

    Please, note that due to scale problems, it is almost impossible to visualize simultaneously actual distances and sizes in the Solar System. Then, it is the square root of the distances to the Sun that are displayed; when the Solar System is displayed without such a non linear scaling, the inner planets are "hidden" by the Sun. Moreover, the diameter of each celestial body is multiplied by a huge arbitrary factor.

    Each celestial body is colored according to its actual color:

    [More information about the Solar System -in french/en français-]
    [See the Celestial Mechanics Slide Show [Visionnez le Diaporama de Mécanique Céleste]]

    Copyright © Jean-François COLONNA, 2000-2025.
    Copyright © CMAP (Centre de Mathématiques APpliquées) UMR CNRS 7641 / École polytechnique, Institut Polytechnique de Paris, 2000-2025.