Dissonance chaude/Dissonance froide -a Tribute to Paul Sérusier and Carl Friedrich Gauss-.
| The tridimensional brownian motion of 1815 particles.
| The bidimensional brownian motion of 891 particles.
| Kasner billiard: Time-dependent billiard (from negative curvatures to positive curvature) with one accelerated particle.
| Simulation of 'from Pluto to the Sun' with pure uniform circular motions (linear scales).
The numerical irreversibility of the bidimensional billiard -1376 particles-.
| The numerical reversibility of the bidimensional billiard -192 particles-.
| The Simpson paradox.
| Zoom in on a pseudo-octonionic Julia set ('MandelBulb' like: a 'JuliaBulb') computed with A=(-0.581514...,+0.635888...,0,0,0,0,0,0) with a (4xO+1)/(1xO-1) conformal transformation in the octonionic space -tridimensional cross-section-.
| Zoom in on a pseudo-octonionic Julia set ('MandelBulb' like: a 'JuliaBulb') computed with A=(-0.581514...,+0.635888...,0,0,0,0,0,0) -tridimensional cross-section-.
Zoom in on a pseudo-octonionic Julia set ('MandelBulb' like: a 'JuliaBulb') computed with A=(-0.581514...,+0.635888...,0,0,0,0,0,0) -tridimensional cross-section-.
| Zoom in on a pseudo-octonionic Julia set ('MandelBulb' like: a 'JuliaBulb') computed with A=(-0.581514...,+0.635888...,0,0,0,0,0,0) -tridimensional cross-section-.
| Pseudo-octonionic Julia sets along the border of the Mandelbrot set -tridimensional cross-sections-.
| A foggy pseudo-octonionic Julia set ('MandelBulb' like: a 'JuliaBulb') computed with A=(-0.581514...,+0.635888...,0,0,0,0,0,0) and with a 0 to pi rotation about the X axis -tridimensional cross-section-.
| France covered with digits.
The Legendre Conjecture with 0 < n < 51 and display of Prime Number alignments.
| The Legendre Conjecture with 0 < n < 201.
| The Ptolemaic system with a moving equant -grey circle above the Earth- with a small light grey circle -the epicycle- whose center describes a larger dark grey circle -the deferend-.
| The Ptolemaic system with equant -grey circle above the Earth- with a small light grey circle -the epicycle- whose center describes a larger dark grey circle -the deferend-.
| The Ptolemaic system with equant -grey circle above the Earth- with a small light grey circle -the epicycle- whose center describes a larger dark grey circle -the deferend-.
The Ptolemaic system without equant with a small light grey circle -the epicycle- whose center describes a larger dark grey circle -the deferend- centered on the Earth -blue sphere-.
| The Ptolemaic system without equant with a small light grey circle -the epicycle- whose center describes a larger dark grey circle -the deferend- centered on the Earth -blue sphere-.
| The journey of an Earth-like planet (green) in the Solar System -point of view of the virtual planet-.
| Along the border of the Mandelbrot set.
| Along the border of the Mandelbrot set.
Cauliflowers, seaweeds, shells,....
| A missed journey from the Earth to Mars starting on 01/01/1950 AD, velocity=10.000 m/s.
| A succesful journey from the Earth to Mars starting on 01/01/1950 AD, velocity=27.900 m/s, duration=270 days.
| The construction of the Klein bottle described by means of a Bidimensional Hilbert Curve -iteration 7-.
| The construction of a tridimensional Hilbert-like Curve defined with {X3(...),Y3(...),Z3(...)} and based on an 'open' 3-foil torus knot -iteration 3-.
The construction of the bidimensional Hilbert Curve -iteration 3-.
| The construction of a tridimensional Hilbert-like Curve defined with {X3(...),Y3(...),Z3(...)} and based on an 'open' 3-foil torus knot -iteration 3-.
| The construction of the tridimensional Hilbert Curve -iteration 3-.
| The construction of the bidimensional Hilbert Curve -iteration 4-.
| Untitled 0638.
Untitled 0637.
| Untitled 0636.
| Untitled 0639.
| Untitled 0634.
| Untitled 0633.
Untitled 0635.
| Untitled 0632.
| Untitled 0630.
| Untitled 0631.
| Untitled 0629.
Untitled 0628.
| Bidimensional domino effect.
| Tridimensional fractal aggregates obtained by means of a 50% pasting process during collisions of particles submitted to a vertical field of gravity.
| Tridimensional fractal aggregate obtained by means of a 100% pasting process during collisions of particles submitted to an attractive central field of gravity.
| Tridimensional display of the dynamics of a linear superposition of 6 eigenstates of the Hydrogen atom (tridimensional computation).
The number of divisors of the 512 first integer numbers on a Tridimensional Hilbert Curve -iteration 1-.
| The number of divisors of the 1.024 first integer numbers on a Bidimensional Hilbert Curve -iteration 5-.
| Dynamics of the even distribution of 24 points on a sphere by means of simulated annealing.
| The bidimensional John Conway's life game.
| The random walk of photons escaping the Sun.
The distances Sun-Earth-Jupiter-Saturn-Uranus-Neptune during one neptunian year.
| The journey of an Earth-like virtuel planet (green) from Pluto (grey) to the Sun (yellow) -point of view of the virtual planet-.
| Bidimensional fractal aggregates obtained by means of a 50% pasting process during collisions of particles submitted to a vertical field of gravity.
| The dynamics of the diffusion process in a bidimensional medium obtained by means of a random walk process.
| The numerical irreversibility of the bidimensional billiard -768 particles-.
The 'exponential' spreading of a bidimensional epidemic -the COVID-19 coronavirus?- with partial confinement -201 particles-, with a zero death rate and a 100% infection, starting with just one infected person -red particle on bottom left picture-.
| A Tribute to Benoît Mandelbrot (1924-2010): tridimensional zoom in on the Mandelbrot set with mapping of the arguments.
| Coalescence of 40832 particles -black holes?- inside a tridimensional parallelepipedic billiard -a static, non relativistic and bounded universe- with display of the dynamics of the mass histogram, during 409.6 time units.
| Some tridimensional pseudo-random walks -cartesian coordinates- defined by means of the 99.999 first decimals of 'pi' (141592...) and 'e' (718281...) -base 10- with 33.333 time steps.
| Tridimensional pseudo-random walks -spherical coordinates- defined by means of the 99.999 first decimals of 'pi' (141592...) and 'e' (718281...) -base 10- with 33.333 time steps.
Untitled 0627.
| A tridimensional pseudo-random walk -spherical coordinates- defined by means of the 99.999 first decimals of 'e' (718281...) -base 10- with 33.333 time steps.
| A tridimensional pseudo-random walk -spherical coordinates- defined by means of the 100.000 first decimals of 'pi' (141592...) -base 10- with 50.000 time steps.
| A tridimensional pseudo-random walk -cartesian coordinates- defined by means of the 99.999 first decimals of the square root of 2 (414213...) -base 10- with 33.333 time steps.
| A random Menger Sponge -iteration 5-.
Untitled 0626.
| An half-random extended Menger Sponge -iteration 3-.
| An extended Menger Sponge -iteration 3-.
| The Menger Sponge -iteration 3-.
| The Many World Theory of Hugh Everett.
The tridimensional John Conway's life game with random initial conditions -0.3% of occupied cells- and 30 iterations.
| Two orthogonal 'hourglasses' moving relative to each other.
| An extended Menger Sponge -iteration 4- displaying the 134.460 digits -base 2- of the source of the Menger Sponge generator.
| The tridimensional John Conway's life game with random initial conditions -0.8% of occupied cells- and 40 iterations.
| An extended Menger Sponge -iteration 5- displaying the 100 first digits -base 2- of the Champernowne number (=0.1 10 11 100 101 110 111 1000...) -using all base 2 integer numbers- periodically repeated in order to obtain 1.539.972 digits.
An extended Menger Sponge -iteration 5- using the 246.078 first digits -base 2- of a self-portrait.
| An extended Menger Sponge -iteration 7- displaying the 211.210.335 first digits -base 2- of 'pi'.
| A tridimensional pseudo-random walk defined by means of 'pi': 050330... -12.849 digits, -base 6- into 050330... -12.849 digits, -base 6-.
| On the Road to Chaos again -07/07/2024-.
| An extended Menger Sponge -iteration 4- displaying the 53.919 first digits -base 2- of 'pi'.
An extended Menger Sponge -iteration 5- displaying the 991.818 first digits -base 2- of the Champernowne number (=0.1 10 11 100 101 110 111 1000...) -using all base 2 integer numbers-.
| An extended Menger Sponge -iteration 5- displaying the 1.168.749 first digits -base 2- of 'pi'.
| A Ball described by means of a Tridimensional Hilbert-like Curve -iteration 4-.
| A Ball described by means of an 'open' 3-foil torus knot -iteration 4-.
| A Ball described by means of a Tridimensional Hilbert Curve -iteration 4-.
A set of 4x3 stereograms displaying a tridimensional pseudo-random walk defined by means of 'pi': 3.141592... -90.000 digits, -base 10- with 30.000 time steps.
| A tridimensional pseudo-random walk defined by means of 'pi': 3.141592... -90.000 digits, -base 10- with 30.000 time steps.
| A tridimensional pseudo-random walk defined by means of 'pi': 3.141592... -90.000 digits, -base 10- with 30.000 time steps.
| A tridimensional pseudo-random walk defined by means of 'pi': 3.141592... -100.000 digits, -base 10- with 50.000 time steps.
| The 81 first digits of 'pi' displayed as sets of concentric various curves (bird's-eye view).
The 81 first digits of 'pi' displayed as sets of concentric various curves (bird's-eye view).
| Untitled 0625.
| The 1089 first digits of 'pi' displayed as sets of concentric various curves.
| A tridimensional pseudo-random walk defined by means of 'pi': 3.141592... -10.000 digits, -base 10- into 050330... -12.849 digits, -base 6-.
| The 1089 first digits of 'pi' displayed as sets of concentric circles.
The 81 first digits of 'pi' displayed as sets of concentric circles (bird's-eye view).
| The 256 first digits -base 10- of 'pi' on a Bidimensional Hilbert Curve -iteration 4- mapped on a sphere.
| The 180 first digits of 'pi' displayed as a Labyrinth.
| The 500 first digits of 'pi' displayed as an Impossible Structure.
| The 'pi' island.
The DNA of Mathematics -the 480 first digits of 'pi' and '2.pi'-.
| The DNA of Mathematics -the 100 first digits of 'pi' and '2.pi'-.
| Tridimensional display of a spiral displaying 'pi' with 4.000 digits -base 10-.
| Tridimensional display of a spiral displaying 'pi' with 2.000 digits -base 10-.
| A tridimensional pseudo-random walk defined by means of 'pi': 141592... -100.001 digits, -base 10- into 303142... -128.509 digits, -base 6-.
The God Chessboard or the 64 first 'decimals' -base 2- of 'pi' -the first 'decimal' is the bottom left black square-.
| A tridimensional pseudo-random walk defined by means of 'pi': 141592... -100.001 digits, -base 10- into 303142... -128.509 digits, -base 6-.
| The DNA of Mathematics -the 480 first digits of 'pi' and '1/pi'-.
| The DNA of Mathematics -the 60 first digits of 'pi' and '1/pi'-.
| The DNA of Mathematics -the 480 first digits of 'pi' and '1/pi'-.
The DNA of Mathematics -the 60 first digits of 'pi' and '1/pi'-.
| The DNA of Mathematics -the 480 first digits of 'pi' and 'e'-.
| The DNA of Mathematics -the 60 first digits of 'pi' and 'e'-.
| A double spherical cross-section inside a 3x3x3 Menger Sponge -iteration 4- displaying the number 3.141.
| The 'pi' island -1-.
A 3x3x3 Menger Sponge -iteration 6- displaying the number 3.14159.
| A 3x3x3 Menger Sponge -iteration 6- displaying the number 6.85840 (=9.99999-3.14159).
| A 3x3x3 Menger Sponge -iteration 4- using the 9 first prime numbers and displaying the number 6.858 (=9.999-3.141).
| A 5x5 Sierpinski Carpet -iteration 4- using the 9 first prime numbers and displaying the number 3.141.
| Tridimensional artistic view of 'pi'.
Tridimensional display of an Archimedes spiral displaying 'pi' with 1.000 digits -base 10-.
| display of 'pi' with 1.000 digits -base 10- on an helix -good point of view-.
| display of 'pi' with 100 digits {3.141592...} on an helix -grey-.
| Artistic views of the 100.000 first digits -base 10- of 'pi'.
| A tridimensional pseudo-random walk defined by means of 'pi': 3.141592... -100.000 digits, -base 10- into 305033... -128.509 digits, -base 6-.
Tridimensional display of a Fractal Square -iteration 1 to 3-.
| The 'pi' island -2-.
| The Spectre.
| The genesis of the 'EinStein' aperiodic 'Spectre' tile -top right-.
| Untitled 0624.
The level-1 cluster made of 9 'Spectre' tiles including a 'Mystic' (red and dark grey lines) with display of all the key-points making quadrilaterals (8 blue small and a magenta big one).
| Untitled 0623.
| Merry Christmas 2023: A Fractal Cube -iteration 2-.
| Untitled 0622.
| Untitled 0621.
A Tribute to Maria Callas.
| The 21 connected components of a Fractal Cube -iteration 1-.
| The 94 connected components of a Fractal Square -iteration 4-.
| Tridimensional display of a Fractal Square -iteration 1 to 3-.
| Tridimensional display of the Mandelbrot Set obtained by means of a bidimensional Fractal Square -iteration 1 to 3-.
Tridimensional display of a Fractal Square -iteration 1 to 5-.
| Tridimensional display of a Fractal Square -iteration 1 to 5-.
| Tridimensional display of a Fractal Square -iteration 1 to 5-.
| A Fractal Cube -iteration 2-.
| A Fractal Cube -iteration 2-.
A Fractal Cube -iteration 2-.
| A 'crumpled' close-up of the 'EinStein' aperiodic 'Spectre' tiling.
| Untitled 0619.
| An Impossible Peace.
| An Impossible Peace.
The Mystic Island based on the level 3 cluster made of 8 'Spectre' level 2 clusters.
| The level 3 cluster made of 8 'Spectre' level 2 clusters with display of all the key-points making quadrilaterals (8 small and a big one).
| The level 2 cluster made of 8 'Spectre' level 1 clusters with display of all the key-points making quadrilaterals (8 small and a big one).
| The level-1 cluster made of 9 'Spectre' tiles with display of all the key-points making quadrilaterals (8 red small and a green big one).
| The 'Mystic' made of two 'EinStein' aperiodic 'Spectre' tiles.
Untitled 0618.
| Tridimensional display of the 'EinStein' aperiodic 'Spectre' tiling.
| A random tiling of a square domain using dominoes (1x2 rectangles) -line after line- with display of clusters of horizontal and vertical rectangles using the 4-connexity.
| A random tiling of a square domain using dominoes (1x2 rectangles) -line after line- with display of clusters of vertical rectangles using the 4-connexity.
| A random tiling of a square domain using dominoes (1x2 rectangles) -line after line-.
A close-up of the 'EinStein' aperiodic 'Spectre' tiling.
| A Ball described by means of a Tridimensional Hilbert-like Curve -iteration 4-.
| A Ball described by means of an 'open' 3-foil torus knot -iteration 4-.
| A Ball described by means of a Tridimensional Hilbert Curve -iteration 4-.
| The Klein bottle described by means of a Bidimensional non continous Hilbert-like Curve -iteration 5-.
Untitled 0617.
| The Klein bottle described by means of a Bidimensional Hilbert-like Curve -iteration 5-.
| A Ball described by means of an hypercube -iteration 4-.
| The Klein bottle described by means of a Bidimensional Hilbert-like Curve -iteration 7-.
| A Tridimensional Hilbert-like Curve defined with {X2(...),Y2(...),Z2(...)} -iteration 2-.
The Klein bottle described by means of a Bidimensional Hilbert-like Curve -iteration 5-.
| The Klein bottle described by means of a Bidimensional Hilbert-like Curve -iteration 5-.
| Some elementary symbols used to built labyrinths -with a big black ghost structure at pi/4-.
| The Klein bottle described by means of a Bidimensional Hilbert-like Curve -iteration 6-.
| A 'fractal plane' with overhangings described by means of a Bidimensional Hilbert-like Curve -iteration 6-.
A Bidimensional Hilbert-like Curve defined with {X1(...),Y1(...)} related to the Mandelbrot set border -iteration 5-.
| A 'fractal plane' with overhangings described by means of a Bidimensional Hilbert Curve -iteration 7-.
| A 'crumpled' sphere described by means of a Bidimensional Hilbert Curve -iteration 7-.
| Untitled 0616.
| Untitled 0615.
Untitled 0614.
| Tridimensional representation of a quadridimensional Calabi-Yau manifold described by means of 5x5 Bidimensional Hilbert Curves -iteration 5-.
| Untitled 0613.
| Untitled 0612.
| The Piet Mondrian quadridimensional Calabi-Yau manifold -2D, 3D or 4D?-.
The Piet Mondrian Hypercube -2D, 3D or 4D?-.
| Tridimensional representation of an hexadecadimensional Calabi-Yau manifold with pseudo-random projection.
| Untitled 0611.
| 5x5 various bidimensional closed self-avoiding brownian motions on a tridimensional representation of a quadridimensional Calabi-Yau manifold.
| 5x5 identical bidimensional closed self-avoiding brownian motions on a tridimensional representation of a quadridimensional Calabi-Yau manifold.
Untitled 0610.
| Untitled 0609.
| Tridimensional representation of an octodimensional Calabi-Yau manifold with pseudo-random projection.
| Tridimensional representation of an octodimensional Calabi-Yau manifold with pseudo-random projection.
| Tridimensional representation of a quadridimensional Calabi-Yau manifold described by means of 5x5 Bidimensional Hilbert Curves -iteration 5-.
A parallelepipedic Torus described by means of an 'open' 3-foil torus knot -iteration 4-.
| A Jeener-Möbius Tridimensional manifold described by means of an 'open' 3-foil torus knot -iteration 4-.
| A Jeener-Möbius Tridimensional manifold described by means of a Tridimensional Hilbert Curve -iteration 4-.
| A 'square' spiral on the Boy surface.
| A 'square' spiral on the Bonan-Jeener-Klein triple bottle.
A 'square' spiral on the Klein bottle.
| Untitled 0608.
| Bidimensional closed pseudo-self-avoiding brownian motion on the Boy surface.
| Bidimensional closed pseudo-self-avoiding brownian motion on the Bonan-Jeener-Klein triple bottle.
| Bidimensional closed self-avoiding brownian motion on a torus.
Bidimensional closed pseudo-self-avoiding brownian motion on the Klein bottle.
| Bidimensional closed self-avoiding brownian motion on a sphere.
| Bidimensional brownian motion on the Klein bottle.
| Bidimensional brownian motion on a sphere.
| Untitled 0606.
Untitled 0607.
| The Klein bottle described by means of a Bidimensional Hilbert-like Curve -iteration 6-.
| The Klein bottle described by means of a Bidimensional Hilbert Curve -iteration 7-.
| The Klein bottle described by means of a Bidimensional Hilbert-like Curve -iteration 6-.
| The Klein bottle described by means of a Bidimensional Hilbert Curve -iteration 7-.
The Möbius strip described by means of a Bidimensional Peano Curve -8 digits-.
| The Bonan-Jeener double bottle described by means of a Bidimensional Hilbert-like Curve -iteration 6-.
| A torus described by means of a Bidimensional Peano Curve -8 digits-.
| Self-Portrait by means of a Bidimensional Hilbert Curve -iteration 6-.
| Self-Portrait by means of a Bidimensional Hilbert Curve -iteration 6-.
A parallelepipedic Torus described by means of a Tridimensional Hilbert Curve -iteration 4-.
| A Jeener-Möbius Tridimensional manifold described by means of a Tridimensional Hilbert Curve -iteration 4-.
| The Bonan-Jeener double bottle described by means of a Bidimensional Hilbert Curve -iteration 7-.
| A torus described by means of a Bidimensional Hilbert Curve -iteration 7-.
| A sphere described by means of a Bidimensional Hilbert Curve -iteration 7-.
A tribute to Sandro Botticelli and Victor Vasarely-.
| Journey on the Complex Plane by means of a Bidimensional Hilbert Curve -iteration 2- with display of Julia sets.
| A Tribute to Benoît Mandelbrot (1924-2010): tridimensional zoom in on the Mandelbrot set with mapping of the arguments.
| A Tribute to Benoît Mandelbrot (1924-2010): tridimensional zoom in on the Mandelbrot set with mapping of the arguments.
| A Tridimensional Tribute to Sandro Botticelli.
Untitled 0605.
| The prime numbers among the 512 first integer numbers on a Tridimensional Hilbert Curve -iteration 3-.
| The prime numbers among the 1024 first integer numbers on a Bidimensional Hilbert Curve -iteration 5-.
| The 512 first decimals -base 10- of 'pi' on a Tridimensional Hilbert Curve -iteration 3-.
| The 1.024 first decimals -base 10- of 'pi' on a Bidimensional Hilbert Curve -iteration 5-.
The Node, Rama Revealed -a Tribute to Arthur C. Clarke and Gentry Lee-.
| N-body problem integration (N=5) displaying four planets with symmetrical initial conditions on elliptic trajectories -'geocentric' point of view, green body-.
| The Node, The Garden of Rama -a Tribute to Arthur C. Clarke and Gentry Lee-.
| The K-smooth integers on a Tridimensional Hilbert Curve -iteration 3-.
| The K-smooth integers on a Bidimensional Hilbert Curve -iteration 5-.
The K-smooth integers on a generalized Ulam spiral.
| The 2/3/5/7-smooth integers on a generalized Ulam spiral.
| The smooth integers: the prime factor product -the radical function- of the integer numbers.
| Self-Portrait -'This is not an apple', a Tribute to René Magritte-.
| The smooth integers.
Untitled 0604 -a Tribute to Yves Klein-.
| Bidimensional fractal aggregates obtained by means of a 50% pasting process during collisions of particles submitted to a vertical field of gravity.
| The Satanic Verses -a Tribute to Salman Rushdie-.
| The 'exponential' spreading of a bidimensional epidemic -the COVID-19 coronavirus?- without confinement -300 particles-, with cluster(s), with a zero death rate and with a 100% infection, starting with just one infected person -red particle on bottom left picture-.
| Bidimensional display of 31 Rational Numbers by means of the Stern-Brocot Tree.
Bidimensional display of 255 Rational Numbers by means of the Stern-Brocot Tree.
| Untitled 0601 -a Tribute to Jean-Michel Atlan-.
| Untitled 0600 -a Tribute to Jean Arp-.
| Tridimensional high resolution visualization of the Verhulst dynamics -'Time Ships', a Tribute to Stephen Baxter-.
| Tridimensional high resolution visualization of the Verhulst dynamics -'Time Ships', a Tribute to Stephen Baxter-.
Untitled 0599 -a Tribute to Robert & Sonia Delaunay-.
| Tridimensional fractal aggregate obtained by means of a 100% pasting process during collisions of particles submitted to an attractive central field of gravity.
| The Road to Chaos -06/19/2022-.
| The Road to Chaos -06/19/2022-.
| Tridimensional fractal aggregate obtained by means of a 100% pasting process during collisions of particles submitted to an attractive central field of gravity.
Distorsion of the Bonan-Jeener-Klein triple bottle.
| Untitled 0597.
| The 'hyperbolic tangent' of a sphere.
| The 'tangent' of a sphere.
| The 'hyperbolic tangent' of a sphere.
The 'tangent' of a sphere.
| Distorsion of the Möbius strip.
| Distorsion of the Möbius strip.
| Distorsion of the Bonan-Jeener-Klein double bottle.
| Distorsion of a sphere.
Distorsion of the Bonan-Jeener-Klein double bottle.
| Distorsion of a sphere.
| Distorsion of the Menger Sponge -iteration 3-.
| The Radical of the integer numbers from 2 to 257.
| A tridimensional billiard starting with a Menger Sponge -iteration 2-.
Untitled 0596.
| A Tridimensional Hilbert-like Curve defined with {X3(...),Y3(...),Z3(...)} and based on an 'open' 7-foil torus knot -iteration 3-.
| A Tridimensional Hilbert-like Curve defined with {X3(...),Y3(...),Z3(...)} and based on an 'open' 5-foil torus knot -iteration 3-.
| A Tridimensional Hilbert-like Curve defined with {X3(...),Y3(...),Z3(...)} and based on an 'open' 3-foil torus knot -iteration 3-.
| A Tribute to Piet Mondrian and to David Hilbert.
A Tridimensional Hilbert-like Curve defined with {X2(...),Y2(...),Z2(...)} and based on an 'open' 3-foil torus knot -iteration 2-.
| A Tridimensional Hilbert-like Curve defined with {X3(...),Y3(...),Z3(...)} and based on an 'open' 3-foil torus knot -iteration 3-.
| A Tridimensional Hilbert-like Curve defined with {X3(...),Y3(...),Z3(...)} -iteration 3-.
| A Bidimensional Hilbert-like Curve defined with {X5(...),Y5(...)} -iteration 5-.
| A Bidimensional Hilbert-like Curve defined with {X5(...),Y5(...)} -iteration 5-.
David versus Goliath: there is a war between Ukraine and Russia.
| David versus Goliath: there is a war between Ukraine and Russia.
| The Tridimensional [0,1] --> [0,1]x[0,1]x[0,1] Peano Surjection -T defined with 9 digits-.
| The [0,1] --> [0,1]x[0,1] Peano Surjection -T defined with 6 digits-.
| Spring Time in Monument Valley.
Bidimensional Hilbert Curve -iteration 5-.
| Tridimensional Hilbert Curve -iteration 4-.
| The distance {Earth-Mars} -millions of kilometers- starting on 01/01/1950 AD and during seven marsian years.
| This is not a cloud.
| This is not a cloud.
'Organic' network -64 nodes-.
| A Tribute to Sandro Botticelli.
| Jigsaw puzzle with a self-Portrait.
| Random mosaic.
| Paradoxal Monument Valley at sunset.
Monument Valley.
| A tridimensional pseudo-random walk defined by means of the 8.188 first prime numbers starting at 11 computed modulo 7 minus 1: 352410... -8.188 digits, -base 6- into 352410... -8.188 digits, -base 6- with a (4xO+1)/(1xO-1) conformal transformation in the octonionic space -tridimensional cross-section-.
| A tridimensional pseudo-random walk defined by means of the 8.188 first prime numbers starting at 11 computed modulo 7 minus 1: 352410... -8.188 digits, -base 6- into 352410... -8.188 digits, -base 6-.
| The 8192 first prime numbers displayed modulo the 16 smallest ones -ramdom walk like trajectories-.
| The 128 first prime numbers displayed modulo the 16 smallest ones -spiral like trajectories-.
Impressionist tridimensional self-Portrait.
| Untitled 0382.
| The abelian -commutative- group defined on elliptic curves.
| Coalescence of 40832 particles -black holes?- inside a tridimensional parallelepipedic billiard -a static, non relativistic and bounded universe- with display of the dynamics of the mass histogram, during 204.8 time units.
| Untitled 0381.
Coalescence of 40832 particles -black holes?- inside a tridimensional parallelepipedic billiard.
| Coalescence of 40832 particles -black holes?- inside a tridimensional parallelepipedic billiard -a static, non relativistic and bounded universe- during 51.2 time units.
| Untitled 0372 -a Tribute to Piet Mondrian and to Ernö Rubik-.
| Apple Blossoms -a Tribute to Piet Mondrian and to Ernö Rubik-.
| Coalescence of 972 particles -black holes?- on a bidimensional rectangular billiard -a static, non relativistic and bounded universe- during 51.2 time units.
The distances {Sun-Jupiter,Sun-Saturn,Sun-Uranus,Sun-Neptune} during one neptunian year.
| An aperiodic Penrose tiling of the plane -the extended paradoxal demoniac Rubik's Cube-.
| The numerical irreversibility of the bidimensional billiard -1376 particles-.
| The numerical reversibility of the bidimensional billiard -192 particles-.
| A medium with percolation -top to bottom- using the 8-connexity.
Untitled 0380.
| A medium with percolation -top to bottom- using the 4-connexity.
| The Syracuse Conjecture for U(0)={5,6,7,8,...,260} -'pseudo-ramdom walk' display: 'The Syracuse Supernova'-.
| Impressionist view of the magical forest.
| Impressionist view of the Menger Sponge -iteration 5-.
Impressionist view of the Jeener hypocycloidal snail.
| Impressionist view of a tridimensional fractal manifold defined by means of three tridimensional fields.
| The construction process of an aperiodic Penrose tiling -a zoom in on the aperiodic Penrose tiling-.
| The quaternionic fractal set obtained when computing the roots of Q8=1 using Newton's method with translation along the third axis of the quaternionic space -tridimensional cross-section-.
| Visualization of the Newton's method when computing the roots of Z8=1.
Tridimensional brownian motion -the colors used (magenta,red,yellow,green,cyan) are an increasing function of the time- and the 'external border' of its bidimensional projection -white- with display of the evolution of the distance to the origin -grey, from left to right-.
| Bidimensional brownian motion -the colors used (magenta,red,yellow,green,cyan) are an increasing function of the time- and its 'external border' -white- with display of the evolution of the distance to the origin -grey, from left to right-.
| How to compute 'pi' with a gun.
| The configuration entropy of a set of n=64 particles.
| Tridimensional high resolution visualization of an extended Verhulst dynamics -'Time Ships', a Tribute to Stephen Baxter-.
Tridimensional high resolution visualization of an extended Verhulst dynamics -'Time Ships', a Tribute to Stephen Baxter-.
| Tridimensional high resolution visualization of an extended Verhulst dynamics -'Time Ships', a Tribute to Stephen Baxter-.
| Tridimensional high resolution visualization of the Verhulst dynamics -'Time Ships', a Tribute to Stephen Baxter-.
| Tridimensional high resolution visualization of the Verhulst dynamics -'Time Ships', a Tribute to Stephen Baxter-.
| A twisted Menger Sponge -iteration 5-.
Untitled 0379.
| Jean-François COLONNA.
| 'Le bouquet tout fait' -a Tribute to René Magritte and Sandro Botticelli-.
| The Syracuse Conjecture for U(0)={5,6,7,8,...,20} -tridimensional display-.
| The Syracuse Conjecture for U(0)={5,6,7,8,...,20} -bidimensional display-.
Light clouds.
| Untitled 0378.
| Untitled 0377.
| Untitled 0376.
| Untitled 0375.
Ducks and friends.
| Untitled 0374.
| Apple Blossoms -a Tribute to Piet Mondrian-.
| The first two iterations of the construction of the Minkowski curve.
| Untitled 0373.
Untitled 0381 -a Tribute to Piet Mondrian-.
| A strange and noisy self-portrait with a very simple luminance.
| Apple Blossoms -a Tribute to Piet Mondrian-.
| A strange and noisy picture with a very simple luminance.
| Close-up on a pseudo-octonionic Mandelbrot set (a 'Mandelbulb') -tridimensional cross-section-.
Close-up on a pseudo-octonionic Mandelbrot set (a 'Mandelbulb') -tridimensional cross-section-.
| Close-up on a pseudo-octonionic Mandelbrot set (a 'Mandelbulb') -tridimensional cross-section-.
| A pseudo-octonionic Mandelbrot set (a 'MandelBulb') -tridimensional cross-section-.
| Tridimensional high resolution visualization of the Verhulst dynamics -'Time Ships', a Tribute to Stephen Baxter-.
| The Master of the Universe.
Close-up on a pseudo-octonionic Mandelbrot set (a 'Mandelbulb') -tridimensional cross-section-.
| Composition sans objet numéro 61 -a Tribute to Alexander Rodtchenko-.
| Close-up on a pseudo-octonionic Mandelbrot set (a 'Mandelbulb') -tridimensional cross-section-.
| A pseudo-octonionic Mandelbrot set (a 'MandelBulb') -tridimensional cross-section-.
| Bidimensional cross-sections inside a fractal structure.
Bidimensional cross-sections inside a fractal structure.
| Bidimensional zoom in on the Mandelbrot set.
| Untitled 0369.
| The seven first bifurcation levels (over fifteen) of the human lung tree.
| A pseudo-octonionic Mandelbrot set -tridimensional cross-section-.
Close-up on a foggy pseudo-octonionic Mandelbrot set with a 1/O conformal transformation in the octonionic space -tridimensional cross-section-.
| A pseudo-octonionic Mandelbrot set -tridimensional cross-section-.
| Close-up on a foggy pseudo-octonionic Mandelbrot set with a 1/O conformal transformation in the octonionic space -tridimensional cross-section-.
| Close-up on a foggy pseudo-octonionic Mandelbrot set with a 1/O conformal transformation in the octonionic space -tridimensional cross-section-.
| A pseudo-octonionic Mandelbrot set -tridimensional cross-section-.
Foggy 'anti-island'.
| Foggy island.
| Untitled 0368.
| Untitled 0367 -with an illusion of depth (the red seems to be in the foreground and the blue in the background)-.
| Untitled 0362.
| Erosion of a bidimensional random (with large scale correlations) island.
| Untitled 0361.
| Cauliflowers, seaweeds, shells,....
| Mountains and light cloud dynamics -this sequence being periodical-.
Foggy 'anti-seaboard'.
| Foggy seaboard.
| Bidimensional rectangular billiard.
| The distances Sun-Earth-Jupiter-Saturn-Uranus-Neptune during one neptunian year.
| Untitled 0359.
Untitled 0358.
| Untitled 0354.
| Untitled 0352.
| Untitled 0351.
| Untitled 0349.
Untitled 0348.
| Untitled 0347.
| Some of the most beautiful fractal pictures. My fractals on YouTube
| Pegasus.
| Pterodactyl.
A 'hyperbolic' Horner manifold 2 of the first degree.
| A 'hyperbolic' Horner manifold 1 of the first degree.
| A 'circular' Horner manifold of the first degree.
| A 'linear' Horner manifold of the third degree.
| A 'linear' Horner surface of the fourth degree.
Fractal diffusion front in a bidimensional medium obtained by means of a random walk process (zoom in on the first steps).
| Tridimensional representation of quadridimensional Calabi-Yau manifolds -Calabi-Yau manifolds attached to every point of a fractal tridimensional space-.
| Tridimensional representation of quadridimensional Calabi-Yau manifolds -Calabi-Yau manifolds attached to every point of our familiar tridimensional space?-.
| 'Organic' network -64 nodes-.
| Complexity, Connectivity and Consciousness -4096 nodes-.
Complexity, Connectivity and Consciousness -512 nodes-.
| Homogeneous meshing of a cube.
| Complexity, Connectivity and Consciousness -64 nodes-.
| A 'hyperbolic' Horner surface 2 of the second degree.
| A 'hyperbolic' Horner surface 1 of the second degree.
A 'circular' Horner surface of the second degree.
| N-body problem integration (N=2) displaying a perfect Keplerian orbit (an ellipse).
| Untitled 0346 -a Tribute to Vassily Kandinsky-.
| Untitled 0345 -a Tribute to Vassily Kandinsky-.
| Untitled 0344 -a Tribute to Vassily Kandinsky-.
Untitled 0343.
| The Goldbach Conjecture.
| Artistic view of the Cosmic Web (nodes, galaxy clusters, filaments,... including 1.083.984 galaxies) obtained by means of a non deterministic fractal process.
| Artistic view of the Cosmic Web (nodes, galaxy clusters, filaments,... including 304.116 galaxies) obtained by means of a non deterministic fractal process -with an illusion of depth (the red seems to be in the foreground and the blue in the background)-.
| The 50 first digits {4,1,4,2,1,3,5,6,2,3,...} of the square root of 2 displayed on an helix -orange-.
The 50 first digits {6,1,8,0,3,3,9,8,8,7,...} of the golden ratio displayed on an helix -orange-.
| The 50 first digits {7,1,8,2,8,1,8,2,8,4,...} of 'e' displayed on an helix -orange-.
| The 50 first digits {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,1,...} of the Champernowne number displayed on an helix -orange-.
| The 50 first digits {141592...} of 'pi' displayed on an helix -orange-.
| The 1.000 first digits -base 10- of 'pi' displayed on an helix -good point of view-.
The 2-17 first digits -base 10- of 'pi' displayed on a circle.
| Bidimensional cross-sections of the Klein bottle.
| Bidimensional cross-sections of the Jeener unilateral node.
| Bidimensional cross-sections of the Bonan-Jeener-Klein triple bottle.
| Bidimensional cross-sections of a cylinder.
Tridimensional representation of our familiar tridimensional space.
| Magical forest.
| Computation of the roots of Z8=1 using Newton's method.
| Computation of the roots of Z3=1 using Newton's method.
| An elementary monodimensional binary cellular automaton -90- with 1 white starting point -bottom middle-.
Sixty-four overlaped torus.
| Sixteen overlaped torus.
| Four overlaped torus.
| Untitled 0342.
| Untitled 0339.
A tridimensional intertwining made of the Menger Sponge -iteration 5- inside a torus.
| A tridimensional intertwining made of the Menger Sponge -iteration 5- inside a torus.
| The Jeener twin bottles.
| Untitled 0341.
| Untitled 0338.
A tridimensional intertwining made of the Menger Sponge -iteration 5- inside a sphere.
| A tridimensional intertwining made of the Menger Sponge -iteration 5- inside a sphere.
| The Bonan-Jeener double bottle.
| Untitled 0337.
| Untitled 0336.
A tridimensional intertwining made of the Menger Sponge -iteration 5- inside a sphere.
| A tridimensional intertwining made of the Menger Sponge -iteration 5- inside a sphere.
| Hodographs -with display of a few velocity vectors- of 5 of the 9 planets of the Solar System during three plutonian years.
| Untitled 0335.
| Untitled 0334.
A tridimensional intertwining made of the Menger Sponge -iteration 5- inside a sphere.
| A tridimensional intertwining made of the Menger Sponge -iteration 5- inside a sphere.
| Untitled 0333.
| Untitled 0332.
| A tridimensional intertwining made of the Menger Sponge -iteration 5- inside a sphere.
A tridimensional intertwining made of the Menger Sponge -iteration 5- inside a sphere.
| The Jeener-Klein bottle loop 2.
| Artistic view of gravitational waves.
| Untitled 0322.
| A distorded -for the sake of display- 5-cube -an hyperhypercube-.
Untitled 0331.
| Untitled 0330.
| A tridimensional intertwining made of the Menger Sponge -iteration 5- the Bonan-Jeener-Klein triple bottle.
| A tridimensional intertwining made of the Menger Sponge -iteration 5- the Bonan-Jeener-Klein triple bottle.
| Untitled 0325.
Untitled 0324.
| A tridimensional intertwining made of a random tridimensional binary tree inside a sphere.
| A tridimensional intertwining made of a random tridimensional binary tree inside a sphere.
| A random tridimensional binary tree.
| A random tridimensional graph.
Mathematics: an infinite pyramidal structure built on a few axioms.
| Untitled 0323.
| Untitled 0329.
| A tridimensional intertwining made of a random tridimensional binary tree inside a sphere.
| A tridimensional intertwining made of a random tridimensional binary tree inside a sphere.
A random tridimensional binary tree.
| Untitled 0321.
| The Jeener opera -10-Sydney-.
| The Jeener bud.
| The Simpson paradox.