A tridimensional pseudo-random walk -spherical coordinates- defined by means of the 99.999 first decimals of 'e' (718281...) -base 10- with 33.333 time steps [Une pseudo-marche aléatoire tridimensionnelle -coordonnées sphériques- définie à l'aide des 99.999 premières décimales de e (718281...) -base 10- avec 33.333 pas de temps].

The first decimals of an arbitrary real number (0.12345678901234567890... for example) are giving birth to three sets 'RHO', 'THETA' and 'PHI' using the arbitrary following way:

                                                                           -------> RHO   = 1               4               7               0               3               6                ...
                                                                          |                  \             / \             / \             / \             / \             / \             /
                                                                          |                   \           /   \           /   \           /   \           /   \           /   \           /
                                                                          |                    \         /     \         /     \         /     \         /     \         /     \         /
                    0.12345678901234567890... --> 12345678901234567890... |-------> THETA =     2       /       5       /       8       /       1       /       4       /       7       /
                                                                          |                      \     /         \     /         \     /         \     /         \     /         \     /
                                                                          |                       \   /           \   /           \   /           \   /           \   /           \   /
                                                                          |                        \ /             \ /             \ /             \ /             \ /             \ /
                                                                           -------> PHI   =         3               6               9               2               5               8

Then 'RHO', 'THETA' and 'PHI' are renormalized inside [0.01,0.10], [0,π] and [0,20π/11] respectively and used in order to define the successive steps {RHO.cos(PHI).sin(THETA),RHO.sin(PHI).sin(THETA),RHO.cos(THETA)} of an "absolute" tridimensional random walk -spherical coordinates-.

See some related pictures (including this one):

An arbitrary random number
The square root of 2
The golden ratio
The Champernowne number
(0.1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12...)

The arbitrary colors used are displaying the rank of each decimal (from white for the first ones to dark blue for the last ones.)

See some related pictures:

(CMAP28 WWW site: this page was created on 10/10/2024 and last updated on 10/20/2024 11:34:08 -CEST-)

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Copyright © Jean-François COLONNA, 2024-2024.
Copyright © CMAP (Centre de Mathématiques APpliquées) UMR CNRS 7641 / École polytechnique, Institut Polytechnique de Paris, 2024-2024.