The DNA of Mathematics -the 100 first digits of 'pi' and '2.pi'-. | The DNA of Mathematics -the 100 first digits of 'pi' and '2.pi'-. |
The DNA of Mathematics -the 480 first digits of 'pi' and '2.pi'-. | The DNA of Mathematics -the 480 first digits of 'pi' and '2.pi'-. |
The DNA of Mathematics -the 60 first digits of 'pi' and '1/pi'-. | The DNA of Mathematics -the 480 first digits of 'pi' and '1/pi'-. | The DNA of Mathematics -the 480 first digits of 'pi' and '1/pi'-. |
The DNA of Mathematics -the 60 first digits of 'pi' and '1/pi'-. | The DNA of Mathematics -the 480 first digits of 'pi' and '1/pi'-. | The DNA of Mathematics -the 480 first digits of 'pi' and '1/pi'-. |
The DNA of Mathematics -the 100 first digits of 'pi' and '1/pi'-. | The DNA of Mathematics -the 100 first digits of 'pi' and '1/pi'-. |
The DNA of Mathematics -the 480 first digits of 'pi' and '1/pi'-. | The DNA of Mathematics -the 480 first digits of 'pi' and '1/pi'-. |
The DNA of Mathematics -the 60 first digits of 'pi' and 'e'-. | The DNA of Mathematics -the 480 first digits of 'pi' and 'e'-. |
The DNA of Mathematics -the 100 first digits of 'pi' and 'e'-. | The DNA of Mathematics -the 100 first digits of 'pi' and 'e'-. |
The DNA of Mathematics -the 480 first digits of 'pi' and 'e'-. | The DNA of Mathematics -the 480 first digits of 'pi' and 'e'-. |
Tridimensional display -bird's-eye view- of a spiral displaying 'pi' with 2.000 digits -base 10-. |
An Archimedes spiral displaying the 100.000 first digits -base 10- of 'pi'. |
Bidimensional Hilbert Curve -iterations 1 to 5-. |
Tridimensional Hilbert Curve -iterations 1 to 3-. |
Tridimensional Hilbert Curve -iteration 1-. | Tridimensional Hilbert Curve -iteration 2-. | Tridimensional Hilbert Curve -iteration 3-. | Tridimensional Hilbert Curve -iteration 4-. |
Tridimensional Hilbert Curve -iteration 1-. | Tridimensional Hilbert Curve -iteration 2-. | Tridimensional Hilbert Curve -iteration 3-. | Tridimensional Hilbert Curve -iteration 4-. |
A parallelepipedic Torus described by means of an 'open' 3-foil torus knot -iteration 4-. | A Jeener-Möbius Tridimensional manifold described by means of an 'open' 3-foil torus knot -iteration 4-. |
The Golden Rectangle. | Recursive subdivision of the Golden Rectangle by means of the Golden Ratio -phi-. |
The Golden Rectangle. | Recursive subdivision of four Golden Rectangles -a Tribute to Piet Mondrian-. |
The two subdivisions of the 'flat' Golden Triangle. | The 'flat' Golden Triangle. | One of the two subdivisions of the 'flat' Golden Triangle. | One of the two subdivisions of the 'flat' Golden Triangle. |
The two subdivisions of the 'sharp' Golden Triangle. | The 'sharp' Golden Triangle. | One of the two subdivisions of the 'sharp' Golden Triangle. | One of the two subdivisions of the 'sharp' Golden Triangle. |
A random triangular tiling of the plane. |
A pseudo-periodical triangular tiling of the plane. | The erasing of 'common' edges -red-. | An aperiodic Penrose tiling of the plane. |
An aperiodic Penrose tiling of the plane. | An aperiodic non linear Penrose tiling of the plane. |
An aperiodic Penrose tiling of the Golden Decagon with five hidden cubes. | An aperiodic Penrose tiling of the Golden Decagon. | Artistic view of an aperiodic Penrose tiling of the Golden Decagon. |
An aperiodic Penrose tiling of the Golden Decagon -a Tribute to Piet Mondrian and Roger Penrose-. |
A 'triple stack' of two aperiodic Penrose tilings of the plane. |
A tridimensional structure made of six Golden Decagons with aperiodic Penrose tilings. | A tridimensional structure made of six Golden Decagons with aperiodic Penrose tilings. |
The parallel axiom of the Euclidian Geometry. | A plane -zero curvature-. |
The Spherical Geometry. |
An hexagonal tiling of the hyperbolic Poincaré disk -iteration 5-. | An octogonal tiling of the hyperbolic Poincaré disk -iteration 5-. |
An hexagonal tiling of the hyperbolic Poincaré disk -iteration 5- -a Tribute to Piet Mondrian and Henri Poincaré-. |
A one sheet hyperboloid of revolution -negative curvature-. |
Tridimensional display of the Gamma function inside [-20.0,+20.0]x[-20.0,+20.0] (bird's-eye view). | Tridimensional display of the Gamma function inside [-20.0,+20.0]x[-20.0,+20.0]. |
The Radical of the integer numbers from 2 to 257. |
The smooth integers. | The smooth integers. |
The smooth integers: the prime factor sum of the integer numbers. | The smooth integers: the prime factor sum of the integer numbers. |
The smooth integers: the prime factor product -the radical function- of the integer numbers. | The smooth integers: the prime factor product -the radical function- of the integer numbers. |
The 2-smooth integers. | The 3-smooth integers. | The 5-smooth integers. | The 7-smooth integers. | The 2/3/5/7-smooth integers. |
The 2/3/5/7-smooth integers on a generalized Ulam spiral. | The 2/3/5/7-smooth integers on a generalized Ulam spiral. |
The 2/3/5/7/11/13/17-smooth integers on a generalized Ulam spiral. |
The K-smooth integers on a generalized Ulam spiral. |
The K-smooth integers on a generalized Ulam spiral. | The K-smooth integers on a generalized Ulam spiral. | The K-smooth integers on a generalized Ulam spiral. |
The K-smooth integers on a generalized Ulam spiral. | The K-smooth integers on a generalized Ulam spiral. | The K-smooth integers on a generalized Ulam spiral. |
The sum -top, white- of 96 cosine lines -the 12 first, colors- with the 25 first prime numbers -white vertical lines-. |
The Eratosthene sieve displaying the integer numbers from 1 to 128. | The Eratosthene sieve displaying 10x10 numbers. | The Eratosthene sieve displaying 100x100 numbers. |
Tridimensional display of the generalized Ulam spiral displaying 4096 numbers. |
An Archimedes spiral displaying 100 numbers. | An Archimedes spiral displaying 1000 numbers. |
The distance -an even number- between consecutive prime numbers displayed by means of increasing luminance colors. |
Artistic view of the prime numbers. |
The four first power sets {P(E),P(P(E)),P(P(P(E))),P(P(P(P(E))))} of a one-element set E. |
The Continuum Hypothesis (CH). | The Continuum Hypothesis (CH). | The Continuum Hypothesis (CH) -an allegory-. | The Continuum Hypothesis (CH) -an allegory-. |
The Radical of the integer numbers from 2 to 257. |
The ABC Conjecture. | The ABC Conjecture. | The ABC Conjecture. |
Tridimensional visualization of the ABC Conjecture. |
The additive persistence of the 65536 first integer numbers for the bases 2 -lower left- to 17 -upper right-. |
The multiplicative persistence of the 65536 first integer numbers for the bases 2 -lower left- to 17 -upper right-. |
The Goldbach Conjecture. | The Goldbach Conjecture. | The Goldbach Conjecture. |
The Goldbach Conjecture for the even numbers from 6 to 1564. | The Goldbach Conjecture -the Goldbach Glacier- for the even numbers from 6 to 6244. |
Tridimenional display of the Goldbach Conjecture. | Tridimenional display of the Goldbach Conjecture. |
The Legendre Conjecture with 0 < n < 51. | The Legendre Conjecture with 0 < n < 201. |
The Syracuse Conjecture for U(0)={1,2,3,4,...,128} -monodimensional display-. | The Syracuse Conjecture for U(0)={1,2,3,4,...,128} -monodimensional display-. |
The Syracuse Conjecture for U(0)={1,2,3,4,...,128} -monodimensional display of the parities-. |
The Syracuse Conjecture for U(0)={2,3,5,7,...,719} -monodimensional display-. | The Syracuse Conjecture for U(0)={2,3,5,7,...,719} -monodimensional display-. |
The Syracuse Conjecture for U(0)={1,2,3,4,...,256} -monodimensional display-. | The Syracuse Conjecture for U(0)={1,2,3,4,...,256} -monodimensional display-. |
The abelian -commutative- group defined on elliptic curves. |
4 evenly distributed points on a sphere -a Tetrahedron- by means of simulated annealing. | 4 evenly distributed points on a sphere -a Tetrahedron- by means of simulated annealing. |
6 evenly distributed points on a sphere -an Octahedron- by means of simulated annealing. | 6 evenly distributed points on a sphere -an Octahedron- by means of simulated annealing. |
8 evenly distributed points on a sphere by means of simulated annealing. | 8 evenly distributed points on a sphere by means of simulated annealing. |
12 evenly distributed points on a sphere -an Icosahedron- by means of simulated annealing. | 12 evenly distributed points on a sphere -an Icosahedron- by means of simulated annealing. |
24 evenly distributed points on a sphere by means of simulated annealing. | 24 evenly distributed points on a sphere by means of simulated annealing. |
26 evenly distributed points on a sphere by means of simulated annealing. |
2000 evenly distributed points on a sphere by means of the Fibonacci spiral. |
4 evenly distributed points on a sphere -a Tetrahedron- by means of simulated annealing. | 4 distributed points on a sphere by means of the Fibonacci spiral. |
6 evenly distributed points on a sphere -an Octahedron- by means of simulated annealing. | 6 distributed points on a sphere by means of the Fibonacci spiral. |
8 evenly distributed points on a sphere by means of simulated annealing. | 8 distributed points on a sphere by means of the Fibonacci spiral. |
12 evenly distributed points on a sphere -an Icosahedron- by means of simulated annealing. | 12 distributed points on a sphere by means of the Fibonacci spiral. |
20 evenly distributed points on a sphere by means of simulated annealing. | 20 distributed points on a sphere by means of the Fibonacci spiral. |
24 evenly distributed points on a sphere by means of simulated annealing. | 24 distributed points on a sphere by means of the Fibonacci spiral. |
Bidimensional localization of a point P its distances to the three vertices of a triangle ABC being known, the four points being coplanar. |
1-foil torus knot -obvious knot- on its torus and its asociated Möbius strip. |
3-foil knot. | 3-foil torus knot on its torus. | 3-foil torus knot on its torus. |
5-foil torus knot on its torus. | 5-foil torus knot on its torus. |
7-foil torus knot on its torus. | 7-foil torus knot on its torus. |
Two alternative monodimensional 'quasi-continuous' cellular automata. | Two alternative monodimensional 'quasi-continuous' cellular automata. |
A monodimensional 'quasi-continuous' cellular automaton with random perturbation of the rules. | A monodimensional 'quasi-continuous' cellular automaton with random perturbation of the rules. |
64 elementary bidimensional binary cellular automata with 1 white starting central point. |
Tridimensional display of the evolution of a bidimensional binary cellular automaton with 1 white starting central point. |
The tridimensional John Conway's life game with random initial conditions -1.6% of occupied cells-. |
Voronoi diagrams. | Untitled 0614. |
Z2 conformal transformation of concentric circles in the complex plane. | 1/Z conformal transformation of concentric circles in the complex plane. |
The Jeener-Klein quintuple bottle with a 1/O conformal transformation in the octonionic space -tridimensional cross-section-. |
A truncated quadrimensional Calabi-Yau manifold with a 1/O conformal transformation in the octonionic space -tridimensional cross-section-. |
A regular 3-gon -an equilateral triangle-. | A regular 4-gon -a square-. | A regular 5-gon -a pentagon-. | A regular 6-gon -an hexagon-. | A regular 7-gon -an heptagon-. |
A regular 8-gon -an octogon-. |
An equilateral triangle. |
A right-angled triangle. | A demonstration of the Pythagoras' theorem. | A demonstration of the Pythagoras' theorem. | The pythagorician knotted rope. | The pythagorician knotted rope. |
A circle. |
A random tiling of a square domain using dominoes (1x2 rectangles) -line after line- with display of clusters of horizontal and vertical rectangles using the 4-connexity. |
The 'EinStein' aperiodic 'Spectre' tile. |
The 'Mystic' made of two 'EinStein' aperiodic 'Spectre' tiles. |
A close-up of the 'EinStein' aperiodic 'Spectre' tiling. | A close-up of the 'EinStein' aperiodic 'Spectre' tiling. | A close-up of the 'EinStein' aperiodic 'Spectre' tiling. |
Tridimensional display of the 'EinStein' aperiodic 'Spectre' tiling. |
An aperiodic Penrose tiling of the plane. | An aperiodic Penrose tiling of the plane. |
An aperiodic non linear Penrose tiling of the plane. |
An aperiodic non linear Penrose tiling of the plane. |
The Penrose city. | A tridimensionally distorded aperiodic Penrose tiling of the plane. | A tridimensionally distorded aperiodic Penrose tiling of the plane. |
An aperiodic Penrose tiling of the Golden Decagon -a Tribute to Piet Mondrian and Roger Penrose-. |
An hexagonal tiling of the hyperbolic Poincaré disk -iteration 5- -a Tribute to Piet Mondrian and Henri Poincaré-. |
Voronoi diagrams. |
Heterogeneous meshing of a square. | Homogeneous/heterogeneous meshing of a square. |
Untitled 0616. |
Homogeneous meshing of a cube. |
Heterogeneous meshing of a fractal surface. |
Untitled 0374. | Ducks and friends. | Untitled 0376. | Untitled 0377. | Untitled 0378. |
A perfect bidimensional fractal tree and the self-similarity. |
A binary tree. | A binary tree with 256 leaves. | Artistic view of a binary tree with 256 leaves. | A binary tree with 4096 leaves. | A binary tree with 256 leaves. |
A vibrating ternary tree. | A vibrating ternary tree. |
The golden binary tree. | The golden binary tree. |
A random bidimensional fractal tree and the self-similarity. | A random tridimensional fractal tree and the self-similarity. |
A random tridimensional binary tree. | A random tridimensional binary tree. | A random tridimensional binary tree. | A random tridimensional binary tree. |
The Schaeffer bijection. | Artistic view of the Schaeffer bijection. |
Periodical quadrangulation of a square -18x18-. | Random quadrangulation of a square -18x18-. |
Periodical quadrangulation of a cube -8x8x8-. | Random quadrangulation of a cube -8x8x8-. | Periodical quadrangulation of a cube -18x18x18-. | Random quadrangulation of a cube -18x18x18-. |
Regular quadrangulation of the surface of a cylinder -18x18-. | Random quadrangulation of the surface of a cylinder -18x18-. |
Regular quadrangulation of the surface of a sphere -18x18-. | Random quadrangulation of the surface of a sphere -18x18-. |
'Regular' quadrangulation of the volume of a 'crumpled' sphere -18x18x8-. | Random quadrangulation of the volume of a 'crumpled' sphere -18x18x8-. |
Regular quadrangulation of the surface of a torus -18x18-. | Random quadrangulation of the surface of a torus -18x18-. |
'Regular' quadrangulation of the surface of a 'crumpled' torus -18x18-. | Random quadrangulation of the surface of a 'crumpled' torus -18x18-. |
Simple random triangulation of a square -18x18-. | Double random triangulation of a square -18x18-. |
Simple random triangulation of the surface of a sphere -18x18-. | Double random triangulation of the surface of a sphere -18x18-. |
Simple random triangulation of the volume of a 'crumpled' sphere -18x18x8-. | Double random triangulation of the volume of a 'crumpled' sphere -18x18x8-. |
Simple random triangulation of the surface of a cylinder -18x18-. | Double random triangulation of the surface of a cylinder -18x18-. |
Simple random triangulation of the surface of a torus -18x18-. | Double random triangulation of the surface of a torus -18x18-. |
Simple random triangulation of the surface of a 'crumpled' torus -18x18-. | Double random triangulation of the surface of a 'crumpled' torus -18x18-. |
'Fractal set of ropes' based on a plane. | 'Fractal set of ropes' based on a plane. |
Fractal 'celestial body' based on a sphere. |
Fractal 'celestial body' based on a torus. |
The Simpson paradox. |
The Bertrand paradox. | The Bertrand paradox. | The extended Bertrand paradox. |
Mathematics: an infinite pyramidal structure built on a few axioms. |
A bijection. | A bijection. | To count the members of a set. |
How to compute 'pi' with a gun. |
A random permutation of pixel blocks of a bidimensional field. | A random permutation of pixel blocks of an aperiodic Penrose tiling of the plane. |
A 4-cube -an hypercube-. | A distorded -for the sake of display- 5-cube -an hyperhypercube-. |
Table mountain. | Table mountain. | Table mountain. | Table mountain. |
Three hexagons and the twenty-eight first strictly positive integer numbers -nine of them being prime numbers-. |
Artistic display of a Sudoku grid. |