Tridimensional representation of a quadridimensional Calabi-Yau manifold described by means of 5x5 Bidimensional Hilbert Curves -iteration 5-.
| Tridimensional representation of quadridimensional Calabi-Yau manifolds -Calabi-Yau manifolds attached to every point of a fractal tridimensional space-.
| Quark and gluon structure of a nucleon.
| Tridimensional display of a linear superposition of 6 eigenstates of the Hydrogen atom (tridimensional computation).
| Tridimensional high resolution visualization of the Verhulst dynamics -'Time Ships', a Tribute to Stephen Baxter-.
The Lorenz attractor.
| Heterogeneous -tridimensional fractal field- random meshing of a cube.
| The Menger Sponge -iteration 5-.
| Untitled 0320.
| An amazing cross-section inside the Menger Sponge -iteration 5-.
An amazing cross-section inside the Menger Sponge -iteration 5- with a (4xO+1)/(1xO-1) conformal transformation in the octonionic space -tridimensional cross-section-.
| An extended Menger Sponge -iteration 7- displaying the 211.210.335 first digits -base 2- of 'pi'.
| Along the border of the Mandelbrot set.
| A foggy pseudo-quaternionic Mandelbrot set (a 'MandelBulb') -tridimensional cross-section-.
| Close-up on a foggy pseudo-quaternionic Mandelbrot set with a 1/O conformal transformation in the octonionic space -tridimensional cross-section-.
A pseudo-octonionic Mandelbrot set (a 'MandelBulb') -tridimensional cross-section-.
| Close-up on a pseudo-octonionic Mandelbrot set (a 'Mandelbulb') -tridimensional cross-section-.
| A pseudo-octonionic Mandelbrot set (a 'MandelBulb') -'children's corner' or 'the consciousness emerging from Mathematics'- -tridimensional cross-section-.
| The quaternionic Julia set computed with A=(0,1,0,0) -tridimensional cross-section-.
| A foggy pseudo-octonionic Julia set ('MandelBulb' like: a 'JuliaBulb') computed with A=(-0.581514...,+0.635888...,0,0,0,0,0,0) and with a 0 to pi rotation about the X axis -tridimensional cross-section-.
Fractal 'celestial body' based on a torus with a 1/O conformal transformation in the octonionic space -tridimensional cross-section-.
| The foggy Babel Tower -a Tribute to Brueghel the Elder-.
| Mountains and fog.
| Mountains at sunrise.
| Mountains and fog.
Mountains and light cloud dynamics -this sequence being periodical-.
| Sunny Monument Valley.
| Monument Valley at sunrise.
| Botticelli anomaly on the Moon.
| The journey of an Earth-like planet (green) in the Solar System -point of view of the virtual planet-.
N-body problem integration (N=4: one star, one heavy planet and one light planet with a satellite) computed with 2 different optimization options on the same computer (sensitivity to rounding-off errors).
| The random walk of photons escaping the Sun.
| Artistic view of the Big Bang.
| Artistic view of the Cosmic Web (nodes, galaxy clusters, filaments,... including 1.083.984 galaxies) obtained by means of a non deterministic fractal process.
| The same bidimensional scalar field displayed with 4 different color palettes.
The Jeener hypocycloidal snail.
| A tridimensional pseudo-random walk defined by means of 'pi': 3.141592... -90.000 digits, -base 10- with 30.000 time steps.
| The 256 first digits -base 10- of 'pi' on a Bidimensional Hilbert Curve -iteration 4- mapped on a sphere.
| A Tridimensional Hilbert-like Curve defined with {X2(...),Y2(...),Z2(...)} and based on an 'open' 3-foil torus knot -iteration 2-.
| Three hexagons and the twenty-eight first strictly positive integer numbers -nine of them being prime numbers-.
The level 3 cluster made of 8 'Spectre' level 2 clusters with display of all the key-points making quadrilaterals (8 small and a big one).
| 24 evenly distributed points on a sphere by means of simulated annealing.
| A tridimensional fractal manifold defined by means of three tridimensional fields.
| Quadruple impossible staircase built by means of a paradoxal structure -a Tribute to Maurits Cornelis Escher-.
| Fractal Self-Portrait -'Décalcomanie', a Tribute to René Magritte-.
Untitled 0155 -a Tribute to Yves Tanguy-.
| Dissonance chaude/Dissonance froide -a Tribute to Paul Sérusier-.
| Untitled 0305.
| The Mathematics are the key of the Multiverse.
| The Birth of the Universe.