The Subjectivity of Computers
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(published in Communications of the ACM, volume 36, number 8, 08/1993)
Abstract: Real numbers do not exist in a computer.
Ignoring this fact can lead to erroneous results when using floating point computations.
Keywords: Rounding-off Errors, Real Numbers, Floating Point Computations.
- 1-the infinite Real number field is mapped on many different
finite floating-point number sets and these sets
are not them'selves fields (see for example the KAM theorem that says
important things about the consequences
of the approximation of Real numbers with rational numbers).
- 2-round off errors are not always negligible: when they occur, they
imply in particular the loss of following
properties: associativity of the multiplication and
distributivity of the multiplication over the addition;
mathematical equivalent formalisms do not give then equivalent programs when
implemented. Moreover, when changing
the compiler used (for example when updating the operating system of the computer used)
one may discover that old
programs recompiled do not give anymore the results expected (because of a different
ordering of the elementary
operations). The situation could become worse with the sophisticated new
microprocessors where very complex
scheduling algorithm are implemented...
- 3-the widespread usage of heterogeneous cooperations must take these facts into
account (where 'heterogeneous'
means "different hardwares" and/or "different compilers").
- 4-simple methods can be implemented to detect the sensitivity to round off errors
in complex existing programs
(for example in fluid dynamics).
- 5-most programs ask for reproductibility; when using dynamical systems (for random number
generation or cryptographic applications,...) it could become impossible
to have reproductibility, for example, when changing the computing environment.
1 - Sensitivity to the accuracy of numerical values:
The Edward Lorenz's notion of "sensitivity to initial conditions" (see "The Lorenz attractor -sensitivity to initial conditions (displayed as the central point of each frame)-"
and [01]) must
be extended and given the more general name "sensitivity to the accuracy of numerical values".
1.1 - Rounded figure errors:
The internal accuracy of computers is limited (in general, numerical values are
represented over 32 or 64 bits, but, even
with a higher degree of accuracy, the phenomenon described here will still
occur, if slightly later, since the number
of decimals required for this type of process generally increases exponentially
with the number of iterations). During
each multiplication, figures are lost; this
implies that the results obtained will therefore depend on the order of the
operations, and the usual associative
property of multiplication, for example,
will no longer exist. The way in which the computer program is written
(particularly with regard to parentheses) and the compiler used (and its options)
will play an important role in the value of the results obtained
(see the paragraph 1.2).
Moreover, not all computers represent and handle figures in the same
way. In these circumstances, two strictly identical calculations carried out on
different machines could give different results. Is it therefore necessary to
introduce the notion of computer subjectivity or the one of numerical relativity?
This phenomenon may be observed by studying the Lorenz attractor
(see " The Lorenz attractor").
The same program is executed on three different machines: an IBM RS6000
(the "Red" computer), an
IBM ES9000 (the "Green" computer) and finally a Silicon Graphics INDIGO XS24
(the "Blue" computer). Three different
numerical integration methods were tested:
Euler of the first order,
Runge-Kutta of the second order and
Runge-Kutta of the fourth order; the
three of them, of course, react in the
same way. It should be mentioned that,
paradoxically, in these circumstances the
high-order methods (the most stable and most accurate methods, mathematically
speaking) are likely to be less "efficient" in terms of numerical accuracy since they
carry out a much higher number of multiplications than low-order
methods... It is also worth noting that errors will occur whatever the method
used. The phenomenon highlighted here is the discrepancy between several
computers in relation to the same program, regardless of whether the
program is good or not (in terms of certain arbitrary criteria).
As one would expect, at the beginning of the calculations (up to
approximately iteration 4700), the three machines give the same results (errors
were too small to be visible on the
images). Then, gradually, the results
begin to differ but only very slightly. However, at approximately iteration
4980, the ES9000 suddenly separates
from the RS6000 and INDIGO. Finally,
at approximately iteration 5060, the RS6000 and INDIGO diverged (see
"Computation of the Lorenz attractor on three different computers (the Red one, the Green one and the Blue one: sensitivity to rounding-off errors)" with
(x0,y0,z0) = (0.01,0.01,0.01)
and Dt = 0.01).
Other computers were also used during these experiments (Alliant
FX2800, Dec VAX 9000, Silicon
Graphics 4D20, Sony NWS 3260). With
the Alliant FX2800, sensitivity to initial
conditions complicated the analysis of the situation still further; its 'scc' compiler
did not set some constants with their exact values.
It should be stressed that two points with different "colors", which look
close together, generally correspond to
totally different instants, except in the
first iterations.
Thus, for any instant which is sufficiently distant from the
temporal origin of the computation, the forecasts carried out are in complete
contradiction to each other, even if the
form of the attractor is retained [04]. This
is not at all satisfactory, as our aim here
is to make forecasts with regard to the development of the system based on
fixed initial conditions. So which machine is right? Unfortunately none of
them is, and even if we found for N computers which all provided the same
result, it would obviously not be the correct one.
Finally, these computations are sensitive to the integration method
used (see "The Lorenz attractor -sensitivity to integration methods used (Red=Euler, Green=Runge-Kutta/2nd order, Blue=Runge-Kutta/4th order)-").
(more visualizations)
1.2 - Computer-based formulation of the model:
Verhulst dynamics [02], models the
variation of a population of individuals by the following iteration:
X = (R+1)X - RX
n n-1 n-1
('R' denotes the growing rate,
where R > 2.57, it shows so-called "chaotic" behaviour).
Remember that, in this case,
multiplication is no more associative, the
above iteration in fact shows five families of formulation (as far as numerical
results are concerned, any other possible form gives the same result as one of
these five forms). As the following tables
indicate, each of them, functioning under
the same conditions (C program
in double precision, where R = 3.0) gives
five sets of results which are totally
incompatible, after a very small number of iterations:
IBM ES9000:
(R+1)X-R(XX) (R+1)X-(RX)X ((R+1)-(RX))X RX+(1-(RX))X X+R(X-(XX))
X(00) = 0.500000 0.500000 0.500000 0.500000 0.500000
X(10) = 0.384631 0.384631 0.384631 0.384631 0.384631
X(20) = 0.418895 0.418895 0.418895 0.418895 0.418895
X(30) = 0.046399 0.046399 0.046399 0.046399 0.046399
X(40) = 0.320185 0.320183 0.320188 0.320182 0.320189
X(50) = 0.063406 0.064521 0.061895 0.064941 0.061244
X(60) = 1.040381 0.846041 0.529794 1.319900 1.214070
X(70) = 0.004104 1.199452 0.873553 0.573637 0.000009
X(80) = 0.108044 0.121414 1.260726 0.395871 0.280590
X(90) = 0.096374 0.089244 0.582157 0.344503 1.023735
IBM RS6000:
(R+1)X-R(XX) (R+1)X-(RX)X ((R+1)-(RX))X RX+(1-(RX))X X+R(X-(XX))
X(00) = 0.500000 0.500000 0.500000 0.500000 0.500000
X(10) = 0.384631 0.384631 0.384631 0.384631 0.384631
X(20) = 0.418895 0.418895 0.418895 0.418895 0.418895
X(30) = 0.046399 0.046399 0.046399 0.046399 0.046399
X(40) = 0.320177 0.320184 0.320188 0.320190 0.320189
X(50) = 0.067567 0.063747 0.061859 0.060822 0.061486
X(60) = 0.001145 0.271115 0.616781 0.298613 1.307350
X(70) = 1.296775 1.328462 0.486629 0.938605 1.054669
X(80) = 0.553038 0.817163 1.277151 1.325437 0.617058
X(90) = 0.094852 0.154184 1.174162 0.148151 0.237355
None of the columns below is correct and the same would apply if there
were only one column... It is worth noting that the same program written in
Fortran produces the same behaviour pattern. Finally, it should be noted that
the optional optimization of a generated code will also affect the results.
For example, the following iteration:
X = (R+1)*X - R*X*X;
compiled and executed on a Silicon Graphics Power-Challenge M
(IRIX release 6.2 and C release 7.0)
gives two incompatible sets of results using two different
optimization options:
Power-Challenge M Silicon Graphics (R8000, IRIX 6.2, cc 7.0):
option '-O2' option '-O3'
X(00) = 0.500000 0.500000
X(10) = 0.384631 0.384631
X(20) = 0.418895 0.418895
X(30) = 0.046399 0.046399
X(40) = 0.320184 0.320188
X(50) = 0.063747 0.061859
X(60) = 0.271115 0.616781
X(70) = 1.328462 0.486629
X(80) = 0.817163 1.277151
(it is noteworthy that to exhibit this phenomenon,
redondant parentheses must be avoided).
Figure "N-body problem integration (N=4: one star, one heavy planet and one light planet with a satellite) computed with 2 different optimization options on the same computer (sensitivity to rounding-off errors)" gives
another example of this phenomenon.
This leads us to an obvious consequence: sometimes, it will
be impossible (or risky) to implement a numerical method due to the fact
that compilers play a role we cannot neither neglect nor master.
To use more digits for computations does not seem to be the solution.
Experiments were made using bc
("arbitrary-precision arithmetic language").
The following table gives the iteration number n
where a wrong integer part appears according to the number of decimal
digits used for the computation (scale parameter):
scale = 010 020 030 040 050 060 070 080 090 100
n = 035 070 105 136 169 199 230 265 303 335
The gain obtained cannot justify the cost...
1.3 - Heterogeneous parallelism:
the tools available today enable us to establish computation
methods based on heterogeneous parallelism. For models which show the
chaotic behaviour described above, two types of "malfunction" can be expected:
- problems linked to rounding errors that are indigenous to each
machine (i.e. the errors listed below),
- problems of rounding errors
incoherence during cooperations of machines consisting of different
hardwares and compilers.
In order to illustrate this last point,
let us take the example of the Lorenz attractor. Even though, for the present
case in point, this is of little interest from
the point of view of performance, let us
suppose that instead of calculating the
vector (xn,yx,zn) three times on three
different machines, we calculate xn on
the first one, yn on the second, and zn on
the third (with the value calculated on one machine downloaded in the two others).
Errors made on each of the three coordinates could be of different "types"
; the trajectory which is then calculated for this system would again be different
from the three obtained previously. Finally, within this context and for
obvious reasons, this type of computation cannot be started on one
machine and finished on another (e.g. in the case of a breakdown) without taking
the precautions suggested by the method described
in paragraph 2 below.
An interesting experiment has already been done: two machines are used to compute
a rotation of the Lorenz attractor about its X axis. Here are the animations obtained
with 1000 iterations "Rotation about the X axis of the Lorenz attractor (1000 iterations), computed simultaneously on two different computers"
and 5000 iterations "Rotation about the X axis of the Lorenz attractor (5000 iterations), computed simultaneously on two different computers".
The first one (with a few number of iterations) does
not exhibit numerical anomalies (the discrepancies are much more smaller than the
pixel size), when the second one (with
5 times more iterations) is absolutely incoherent...
2 - Elementary method of detecting sensitivity to the accuracy of numerical values by re-sequencing arithmetic expressions:
in order to quickly highlight the effect of the way in which a problem is formulated and indicate
arithmetical incompatabilities between different machines (computers and
compilers), we propose to use the Verhulst dynamics study program (C or
Fortran, double precision). It is very short and can be input into any system in
a few seconds. Two stages are required:
Stage One:
by executing the
Verhulst dynamics study program, this stage indicates whether the proposed
method is applicable and provides the following information:
- if, at a fixed iteration number, the
five columns of values are different on a
given machine, it is because the compiler
used bases the generated code on the computer formulation
of the problem.
- if, by carrying out the same
calculation on two different machines,
the two sets of results differ, it is either
because the two arithmetical units do not
operate in a similar way , or because the
two compilers analyse the expressions in
a different way (these two conditions
may exist simultaneously).
Stage Two:
if the results of the first stage are positive (i.e. if the
compiler used on a given machine bases the generated code on the format of the
programmed expressions), a very simple method of detecting program sensitivity
to the accuracy of computation (and also,
of course, to the accuracy of initial conditions) may be implemented. It
exploits the fact that, under these
circumstances, the usual properties of multiplication no longer apply
(associative law and distributive law as compared to addition). The method requires:
- locating the "sensitive" areas in the
program (i.e. the code sequences,
usually very localised, in which the
iterative and non-linear processes are implemented),
- re-writing these sequences in two or three different ways (e.g. by
re-sequencing multiplications with several factors or implementing the
distributive law of multiplication as compared to addition),
- executing each version of the program with the same parameters and
initial conditions, and comparing the results obtained.
This method, does not affect the performance of the program or increases
its memory requirements.
3 - Contribution of K language with regard to the test for problems subject to the accuracy of numerical values:
we have defined a portable programming and co-operation environment for use within a
heterogeneous environment. It includes a prefixed language known as K, which
facilitates the test described above. Let us take the example of a three-factor
multiplication ('A','B' and 'C' representing any three expressions):
In K, it is generally written and defined as follows:
MUL3(A,B,C) ==> MUL2(A,MUL2(B,C))
In the same way the general expression:
Ax(B + C)
is written and defined by:
DIS2(A,B,C) ==> MUL2(A,ADD2(B,C))
('ADD2(,)' and 'MUL2(,)' are representing respectively the addition and
multiplication of any two expressions). As the proposed K language can be
redefined at compile time, it is possible,
in this case for example, to change the definition of 'MUL3(A,B,C)' in a
specific area of the program so that it becomes:
In the same way, 'DIS2(A,B,C)' may be redefined as:
Thus without having to reprogram certain areas (and run the risk of incorrect
problem reformulation), it is possible with K to produce a different generated
code automatically, without having to change the program itself; this offers the
twofold advantage of safety and rapidity. Note that this could be incorporated into
existing compilers relatively easily. During expression analysis, an option
would enable the operator to select a "jumbling" of the sequence of
operations, in accordance with one or more of the rewriting procedures
described below (precautions may need to be taken when optimising the generated code).
4 - Conclusion:
It is highly probable that models which are much more complex than those used
below for demonstration purposes, in particular the ones used for
the study of the Solar System stability (see "N-body problem integration (N=4: one star, one heavy planet and one light planet with a satellite) computed on three different computers (the Red one, the Green one and the Blue one: sensitivity to rounding-off errors)") or for long-term
weather forecasting (whose sensitivity to initial conditions is widely accepted),
depend on the computers and program syntax which enable them to be studied!
It is therefore essential to detect this behaviour and be aware of the "limits" of
such models. Unfortunately, the very simple method proposed here, or even
the method proposed, for example, by
Jean Vignes and Françoise Chatelin [03],
only serve to warn the user of the risks involved, but in no way do they provide
a correct result. Theoretical results have already been expounded [04].
Unfortunately, they only study a few specific systems (e.g. Henon attractor)
and show that, over a finite period of
time, there is always a real orbit close to
a "noisy" orbit. However, this advantage is provided at the cost of a change in the
initial conditions, thus inhibiting the study of the development of a system
with given initial conditions.
Today, when both fundamental and
applied research relies so heavily on computers, it is essential that users
(engineers, scientists and students) should be perfectly aware of the dangers,
and that efforts should be made to find real solutions to this very real problem, if
such solutions exist.
(more visualizations)
- [01]
"Chaos and Fractals, New Frontiers of
Science", Hans O. Peitgen, Peter H. Richter,
Saupe, Springer Verlag, 1992.
- [02]
"The beauty of fractals", Hans O.
Peitgen, Peter H. Richter, Springer Verlag,
- [03]
"Les Erreurs traquées", Françoise
Chatelin, Jean Vignes, Pour La Science, numero
131, Septembre 1988.
- [04]
"Numerical orbits of chaotic processes
represent true orbits", Stephen M. Hammel,
James A. Yorke, Celso Grebogi, Bulletin of the
American Mathematical Society, Volume 19,
Number 2, October 1998.
Copyright © Jean-François COLONNA, 1995-2024.
Copyright © France Telecom R&D and CMAP (Centre de Mathématiques APpliquées) UMR CNRS 7641 / École polytechnique, Institut Polytechnique de Paris, 1995-2024.