Artistic view of gravitational waves. | Gravitation and space-time curvature. | Gravitation and space-time curvature. |
A one sheet hyperboloid of revolution -negative curvature-. | A plane -zero curvature-. | A sphere -positive curvature-. |
An hexagonal tiling of the hyperbolic Poincaré disk -iteration 5-. | The parallel axiom of the Euclidian Geometry. | The Spherical Geometry. |
The Jean-Alain Marck's travel around a black hole -the world first computation on 12/1989-. | The Jean-Alain Marck's travel around a black hole -the world first computation on 12/1989-. |
Artistic view of a fractal Multiverse. | Universe or Multiverse -The fractal Universe-?. |
The Many World Theory of Hugh Everett. | The Many World Theory of Hugh Everett. |
Kasner billiard: Time-dependent billiard (from negative curvatures to positive curvature) with one accelerated particle. | Tridimensional display of the inflationary Universe. |
Artistic view of the Big Bang. | Artistic view of the Big Bang. |
Where is the Universe?. | Where is the Multiverse?. | The Universe at the heart of a Calabi-Yau manifold. |
From low to high galaxy density in the local universe (the depth is displayed by means of the luminance). |
Causal set obtained by means of an homogeneous random meshing of a cube. |
Tridimensional fractal structure -the space-time foam?-. |
Tridimensional representation of a quadridimensional Calabi-Yau manifold. |
Tridimensional representation of a hexadimensional Calabi-Yau manifold. |
The random walk of photons escaping the Sun. | The random walk of photons escaping the Sun. |