Generative Artificial Intelligences and Pictures Synthesis:
The Virtual Museum of the 21th Century
(A Tribute to a Universal Artist?)
CMAP (Centre de Mathématiques APpliquées) UMR CNRS 7641, École polytechnique, Institut Polytechnique de Paris, CNRS, France
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(CMAP28 WWW site: this page was created on 01/06/2024 and last updated on 03/09/2025 11:03:14 -CET-)
[en français/in french]
1 - Introduction:
In a matter of months, Generative Artificial Intelligences (GAIs) have infiltrated our daily lives.
I have conducted numerous experiments, particularly with:
These experiments revealed that, generally, using them as reliable sources of information
(in Mathematics, for example) was not always very prudent, while letting them "run free" could unleash boundless imagination upon us.
However, some of these GAIs are not confined to text production. They can also rapidly [01] generate high-quality pictures.
As we will see later, this objectively demonstrates their creativity.
2 - The Generative Artificial Intelligences:
To be able to generate pictures like those presented in this document, it is necessary to undergo training using "real" data, particularly pairs
{picture, description} available in large quantities on the internet [02].
Specialized formal neural networks are then used to transform, on one hand, pictures in
"raster" mode [03] into a more concise [04] representation closer to their semantic content.
On the other hand, a similar process is applied to descriptions, which are texts written in natural languages.
The result of this processing [05] for each {picture, description} pair is a set of numbers (a "vector")
stored in a massive multidimensional space known as the Semantic Space (S).
The treatments applied are such that two neighboring points in S correspond to semantically close notions.
Thus, learning is, in a sense, a form of semantic compression.
The exploitation of space S to generate new pictures (or texts...) can be considered naively as semantic decompression.
The user-provided prompt [06] positions itself in S,
and one of the closest points P defines a picture that just needs to be decompressed.
It seems that a random selection is made when multiple neighbors satisfy the prompt.
This likely explains why submitting the same prompt twice will yield two different but semantically close pictures.
However, as always, the devil is in the detailsand reality is certainly much more complex.
Indeed, as the examples to be presented later will show, in a prompt,
it is generally not a single semantic concept that is specified, but multiple ones.
Procedures such as "mixing", interpolation, combination,... , must therefore be implemented.
The experiences reported below showed that in fact two GAIs had to be used: the first one actually Generative and the second one Antagonistic intended
on the one hand to evaluate the quality of the productions of the first one and on the other hand to filter the content so as to avoid
"inappropriate" pictures [07].
3 - Some examples of the generation of pictures (1682 on Sunday March 09 2025):
The GAIs accessible on the websites
were used to generate these pictures [08].
So, these are 1682 images generated by these GAIs that will be presented below.
In fact, more were calculated but not all are exhibited and those that were rejected were either due to personal preference or because they were too similar to others already obtained.
This number (1682) may seem excessive, making it impossible to visualize all of these pictures,
but this is voluntary and intended to illustrate the incredible "imaginative" power of these GAIs...
Nota: For all submitted prompts, french was used and a translation into english will be provided below.
3.1 - Some examples of the generation of pictures using the prompt "La bibliothèque de Babel à la façon de X" ["The Library of Babel in the style of X"]:
With virtually infinite possibilities, I decided to limit the tests by using only one prompt
chosen in such a way that it references concepts with a very low probability of being encountered together on the Internet:
"La bibliothèque de Babel à la façon de X" ["The Library of Babel in the style of X"] [09]
Where X is chosen from an arbitrary list of
artists (writers, musicians, painters, sculptors,...),
In most cases, the same prompt was iterated multiple times, resulting in a series of pictures on a given theme
(defined by X), all different (illustrating the use of randomness mentioned above, randomness that further explains the a priori
impossibility of obtaining each of them again) but referencing the same concepts.
Here are 1682 pictures thus obtained:
- The Library of Babel.
- 01
- X = Triumphal Arch of Paris (1806).
- 02
- X = Arcimboldo, Giuseppe (1527-1593).
- 03
- X = Asimov, Isaac (1920-1992).
- 04
- X = Baudelaire, Charles (1821-1867).
- 05
- X = Bosch, Jerôme (~1450-1516).
- 06
- X = Botticelli, Sandro (1445-1510).
- 07
- X = Bruegel, Pieter, der elder (~1525-1569).
- 08
- X = Clarke, Arthur Charles (1917-2008).
- 09
- X = Corot, Jean-Baptiste Camille (1796-1875).
- 10
- X = Dali, Salvador (1904-1989).
- 11
- X = Degas, Edgar (1834-1917).
- 12
- X = God.
- 13
- X = Dürer, Albrecht (1471-1528).
- 14
- X = Eiffel Tower (1889).
- 15
- X = Escher, Maurits Cornelis (1898-1972).
- 16
- X = della Francesca, Piero (~1412-1492).
- 17
- X = Fractal Geometry (~1960).
- 18
- X = Giger, Hans Ruedi (1940-2014) [10].
- 19
- X = Golden Gate Bridge (1933).
- 20
- X = Herbert, Frank (1920-1986).
- 21
- X = Kandinsky, Vassily (1866-1944).
- 22
- X = The Lascaux Cave (~-21000).
- 23
- X = Mandelbrot, Benoît (1924-2010).
- 24
- X = Michelangelo (1475-1564).
- 25
- X = Molière (1622-1673).
- 26
- X = Mondrian, Piet (1872-1944).
- 27
- X = Monet, Claude (1840-1926).
- 28
- X = Newton, Isaac (1643-1727).
- 29
- X = Notre-Dame de Paris (1163).
- 30
- X = Piranese (1720-1778).
- 31
- X = Praxiteles (~-395-~-326).
- 32
- X = Ptolemy, Claude (~100-~168).
- 33
- X = The Pyramids of Egypt (~-395-~-326).
- 34
- X = Pythagoras (~-580-~-495).
- 35
- X = Rembrandt (~1606-1669).
- 36
- X = Rodin, Auguste (1840-1917).
- 37
- X = de Ronsard, Pierre (1524-1585).
- 38
- X = Tanguy, Yves (1900-1955).
- 39
- X = van Eyck, Jan (~1390-1441).
- 40
- X = van Gogh, Vincent (1853-1890).
- 41
- X = Vermeer, Johannes (1632-1675).
- 42
- X = Wagner, Richard (1813-1883).
- The Library of Babel:
- 01
- X = Triumphal Arch of Paris (1806)
- 02
- X = Arcimboldo, Giuseppe (1527-1593)
- 03
- X = Asimov, Isaac (1920-1992)
- 04
- X = Baudelaire, Charles (1821-1867)
- 05
- X = Bosch, Jerôme (~1450-1516)
- 06
- X = Botticelli, Sandro (1445-1510)
- 07
- X = Bruegel, Pieter, der elder (~1525-1569)
- 08
- X = Clarke, Arthur Charles (1917-2008)
- 09
- X = Corot, Jean-Baptiste Camille (1796-1875)
- 10
- X = Dali, Salvador (1904-1989)
- 11
- X = Degas, Edgar (1834-1917)
- 12
- X = God
- 13
- X = Dürer, Albrecht (1471-1528)
- 14
- X = Eiffel Tower (1889)
- 15
- X = Escher, Maurits Cornelis (1898-1972)
- 16
- X = della Francesca, Piero (~1412-1492)
- 17
- X = Fractal Geometry (~1960)
- 18
- X = Giger, Hans Ruedi (1940-2014) [10]
- 19
- X = Golden Gate Bridge (1933)
- 20
- X = Herbert, Frank (1920-1986)
- 21
- X = Kandinsky, Vassily (1866-1944)
- 22
- X = The Lascaux Cave (~-21000)
Almost all of these images perfectly illustrate the prompt "The Library of Babel in the style of X" with X="The Cave of Lascaux". Indeed:
- They show vast quantities of books and readers: thus, we are indeed in libraries.
- These libraries are generally in caves adorned with cave paintings.
- The large structures presented often evoke pyramids, thus recalling the numerous representations of the Tower of Babel.
- Most of these images give an idea of immensity, even infinity, like Jorge Luis Borges's "Library of Babel".
- Each of these images is therefore a remarkable synthesis of the various concepts contained in the prompt: "library", "prehistoric cave", "Tower of Babel", and "Library of Babel".
- 23
- X = Mandelbrot, Benoît (1924-2010)
- 24
- X = Michelangelo (1475-1564)
- 25
- X = Molière (1622-1673)
- 26
- X = Mondrian, Piet (1872-1944)
- 27
- X = Monet, Claude (1840-1926)
- 28
- X = Newton, Isaac (1643-1727)
- 29
- X = Notre-Dame de Paris (1163)
- 30
- X = Piranese (1720-1778)
- 31
- X = Praxiteles (~-395-~-326)
- 32
- X = Ptolemy, Claude (~100-~168)
- 33
- X = The Pyramids of Egypt (~-395-~-326)
- 34
- X = Pythagoras (~-580-~-495)
- 35
- X = Rembrandt (~1606-1669)
- 36
- X = Rodin, Auguste (1840-1917)
- 37
- X = de Ronsard, Pierre (1524-1585)
- 38
- X = Tanguy, Yves (1900-1955)
- 39
- X = van Eyck, Jan (~1390-1441)
- 40
- X = van Gogh, Vincent (1853-1890)
- 41
- X = Vermeer, Johannes (1632-1675)
- 42
- X = Wagner, Richard (1813-1883)
The pictures obtained in this way are undeniably breathtaking, incredible,... accurately addressing the queries.
Indeed, they depict libraries full of books, but also convey the sense of infinity one experiences when reading
Jorge Luis Borges's short story, all within an appropriate temporal context.
3.2 - Some examples of the generation of pictures using the prompt "Une image à la façon de X" ["A Picture in the style of X"]:
Let's simplify the prompt by using only:
"Une image à la façon de X" ["A Picture in the style of X"]
thereby giving more freedom to the GAI. Here are the pictures thus obtained:
- 01
- X = Arcimboldo, Giuseppe (1527-1593).
- 02
- X = Asimov, Isaac (1920-1992).
- 03
- X = Baudelaire, Charles (1821-1867).
- 04
- X = Baxter, Stephen (1957).
- 05
- X = Bosch, Jerôme (~1450-1516).
- 06
- X = Botticelli, Sandro (1445-1510).
- 07
- X = Bruegel, Pieter, der elder (~1525-1569).
- 08
- X = Canaletto (1697-1768).
- 09
- X = Clarke, Arthur Charles (1917-2008).
- 10
- X = de Chirico, Giorgio (1888-1978).
- 11
- X = COLONNA, Jean-François.
- 12
- X = Corot, Jean-Baptiste Camille (1796-1875).
- 13
- X = Dali, Salvador (1904-1989).
- 14
- X = Degas, Edgar (1834-1917).
- 15
- X = Delvaux, Paul (1897-1994).
- 16
- X = God.
- 17
- X = Dürer, Albrecht (1471-1528).
- 18
- X = Ernst, Max (1891-1976).
- 19
- X = Escher, Maurits Cornelis (1898-1972).
- 20
- X = della Francesca, Piero (~1412-1492).
- 21
- X = Giger, Hans Ruedi (1940-2014) [10].
- 22
- X = Herbert, Frank (1920-1986).
- 23
- X = the Infinity.
- 24
- X = Kandinsky, Vassily (1866-1944).
- 25
- X = Magritte, René (1898-1967).
- 26
- X = Mandelbrot, Benoît (1924-2010).
- 27
- X = Mondrian, Piet (1872-1944).
- 28
- X = Monet, Claude (1840-1926).
- 29
- X = Piranese (1720-1778).
- 30
- X = Praxiteles (~-395-~-326).
- 31
- X = Rembrandt (~1606-1669).
- 32
- X = Rodin, Auguste (1840-1917).
- 33
- X = de Ronsard, Pierre (1524-1585).
- 34
- X = Tanguy, Yves (1900-1955).
- 35
- X = Turing, Alan (1912-1954).
- 36
- X = van Eyck, Jan (~1390-1441).
- 37
- X = van Gogh, Vincent (1853-1890).
- 38
- X = Vermeer, Johannes (1632-1675).
- 39
- X = DeVinci, Leonardo (1452-1519).
- 40
- X = Wagner, Richard (1813-1883).
- 41
- X = A Great Anonymous Painter.
- 42
- X = A Bad Anonymous Painter.
- 01
- X = Arcimboldo, Giuseppe (1527-1593)
- 02
- X = Asimov, Isaac (1920-1992)
- 03
- X = Baudelaire, Charles (1821-1867)
- 04
- X = Baxter, Stephen (1957)
[See more pictures]
- 05
- X = Bosch, Jerôme (~1450-1516)
These images obviously evoke The Garden of Earthly Delights painted by Hieronymus Bosch at the end of the fifteenth century.
It is a triptych presenting the "creation of the world":
on the left panel are depicted Paradise, the creation of Eve, and her union with Adam by Christ.
In the center, humanity is represented as sinful before the Flood.
Finally, the right panel shows the punishment of sinners in Hell.
Thus, this universal masterpiece possesses a meaning, but is it the same for these few images in the style of?
The answer is most certainly negative regarding these GAIs.
- 06
- X = Botticelli, Sandro (1445-1510)
[See more pictures]
- 07
- X = Bruegel, Pieter, der elder (~1525-1569)
- 08
- X = Canaletto (1697-1768)
- 09
- X = Clarke, Arthur Charles (1917-2008)
- 10
- X = Corot, Jean-Baptiste Camille (1796-1875)
- 11
- X = de Chirico, Giorgio (1888-1978)
- 12
- X = COLONNA, Jean-François
"Jean-François COLONNA est connu pour ses œuvres numériques abstraites et ses visualisations
mathématiques. Son style se caractérise par des formes organiques, des fractales et des
effets de lumière sophistiqués" (ChatGPT).
- 13
- X = Dali, Salvador (1904-1989)
- 14
- X = Degas, Edgar (1834-1917)
- 15
- X = Dürer, Albrecht (1471-1528)
- 16
- X = Delvaux, Paul (1897-1994)
- 17
- X = God
- 18
- X = Escher, Maurits Cornelis (1898-1972)
- 19
- X = Ernst, Max (1891-1976)
- 20
- X = della Francesca, Piero (~1412-1492)
- 21
- X = Giger, Hans Ruedi (1940-2014) [10]
- 22
- X = Herbert, Frank (1920-1986)
- 23
- X = the Infinity
- 24
- X = Kandinsky, Vassily (1866-1944)
- 25
- X = Magritte, René (1898-1967)
- 26
- X = Mandelbrot, Benoît (1924-2010)
- 27
- X = Mondrian, Piet (1872-1944)
- 28
- X = Monet, Claude (1840-1926)
- 29
- X = Piranese (1720-1778)
- 30
- X = Praxiteles (~-395-~-326)
- 31
- X = Rembrandt (~1606-1669)
- 32
- X = Rodin, Auguste (1840-1917)
- 33
- X = de Ronsard, Pierre (1524-1585)
- 34
- X = Tanguy, Yves (1900-1955)
- 35
- X = Turing, Alan (1912-1954)
- 36
- X = van Eyck, Jan (~1390-1441)
- 37
- X = van Gogh, Vincent (1853-1890)
- 38
- X = Vermeer, Johannes (1632-1675)
- 39
- X = DeVinci, Leonardo (1452-1519)
- 40
- X = Wagner, Richard (1813-1883)
- 41
- X = A Great AnonymousPainter.
- 42
- X = A Bad Anonymous Painter.
Actually, not that bad!
3.3 - Some examples of the generation of pictures using the prompt "Un Auto-Portrait de X" ["A Self-Portrait of X"]:
- 01
- X = Botticelli, Sandro (1445-1510).
- 02
- X = Bruegel, Pieter, der elder (~1525-1569).
- 03
- X = de Chirico, Giorgio (1888-1978).
- 04
- X = Dali, Salvador (1904-1989).
- 05
- X = Eiffel, Gustave (1832-1923).
- 06
- X = Escher, Maurits Cornelis (1898-1972).
- 07
- X = Monet, Claude (1840-1926).
- 08
- X = Piranese (1720-1778).
- 09
- X = Praxiteles (~-395-~-326).
- 10
- X = van Eyck, Jan (~1390-1441).
- 11
- X = DeVinci, Leonardo (1452-1519).
- 01
- X = Botticelli, Sandro (1445-1510)
- 02
- X = Bruegel, Pieter, der elder (~1525-1569)
- 03
- X = de Chirico, Giorgio (1888-1978)
- 04
- X = Dali, Salvador (1904-1989)
- 05
- X = Eiffel, Gustave (1832-1923)
- 06
- X = Escher, Maurits Cornelis (1898-1972)
- 07
- X = Monet, Claude (1840-1926)
- 08
- X = Piranese (1720-1778)
- 09
- X = Praxiteles (~-395-~-326)
- 10
- X = van Eyck, Jan (~1390-1441)
- 11
- X = DeVinci, Leonardo (1452-1519)
3.4 - Some "free" examples of the generation of pictures:
And now let's use some "free" prompts...
- 01
- "Des voitures à la façon de Sandro Botticelli" ["Some Cars in the style of Sandro Botticelli"] (1445-1510)
- 02
- "Des camions à la façon de Sandro Botticelli" ["Some Trucks in the style of Sandro Botticelli"] (1445-1510)
- 03
- "Des locomotives à la façon de Sandro Botticelli" ["Some Locomotives in the style of Sandro Botticelli"] (1445-1510)
- 04
- "Des grues à la façon de Sandro Botticelli" ["Some Cranes in the style of Sandro Botticelli"] (1445-1510)
- 05
- "Des bateaux à la façon de Sandro Botticelli" ["Some Boats in the style of Sandro Botticelli"] (1445-1510)
- 06
- "Des avions à la façon de Sandro Botticelli" ["Some Airplanes in the style of Sandro Botticelli"] (1445-1510)
- 07
- "Des fusées à la façon de Sandro Botticelli" ["Some Rockets in the style of Sandro Botticelli"] (1445-1510)
- 08
- "Des félins à la façon de Sandro Botticelli" ["Some Felines in the style of Sandro Botticelli"] (1445-1510)
- 09
- "Un Système Multimedia Conversationnel à la façon de Sandro Botticelli" ["A Conversational Multimedia System in the style of Sandro Botticelli"] (1445-1510)
- 10
- "Des ordinateurs à la façon de Sandro Botticelli" ["Some Computers in the style of Sandro Botticelli"] (1445-1510)
- 11
- "Des super-ordinateurs à la façon de Sandro Botticelli" ["Some Super-Computers in the style of Sandro Botticelli"] (1445-1510)
- 12
- "Des avions à la façon de Pieter Bruegel l'ancien " ["Some Airplanes in the style of Pieter Bruegel der elder "] (~1525-1569)
- 13
- "Des locomotives à la façon de Salvador Dali " ["Some Locomotives in the style of Salvador Dali "] (1904-1989)
- 14
- "Des avions à la façon de Salvador Dali " ["Some Airplanes in the style of Salvador Dali "] (1904-1989)
- 15
- "Des locomotives à la façon de Maurits Cornelis Escher" ["Some Locomotives in the style of Maurits Cornelis Escher"] (1898-1972)
- 16
- "Des avions à la façon de Maurits Cornelis Escher" ["Some Airplanes in the style of Maurits Cornelis Escher"] (1898-1972)
- 17
- "Des locomotives à la façon de Hans Ruedi Giger" ["Some Locomotives in the style of Hans Ruedi Giger"] (1940-2014)
- 18
- "Des avions à la façon de Hans Ruedi Giger" ["Some Airplanes in the style of Hans Ruedi Giger"] (1940-2014)
- 19
- "Des avions à la façon de Benoît Mandelbrot" ["Some Airplanes in the style of Benoît Mandelbrot"] (1924-2010)
- 20
- "Des locomotives à la façon de Léonard de Vinci " ["Some Locomotives in the style of Leonardo DeVinci "] (1452-1519)
- 21
- "Des avions à la façon de Léonard de Vinci " ["Some Airplanes in the style of Leonardo DeVinci "] (1452-1519)
- 22
- "L'œil était dans la tombe et regardait Caïn" (La Conscience, Victor Hugo (1802-1885))
- 23
- "Nous partîmes cinq cents; mais par un prompt renfort nous nous vîmes trois mille en arrivant au port" (Le Cid, acte IV, scène 3, Pierre Corneille (1606-1684))
- 24
- "Liberté, Égalité, Fraternité"
- 25
- "Les Xeelees de Stephen Baxter" ["The Xeelees of Stephen Baxter"] (1957)
- 26
- "L'Être et le Néant de Jean-Paul Sartre" (1905-1980)
- 27
- "La Nausée de Jean-Paul Sartre" (1905-1980)
- 28
- "2001 l'Odyssée de l'espace" ["2001 a Space Odyssey"] -a tribute to Arthur Charles Clarke and Stanley Kübrick-
- 29
- "Le retour des chasseurs dans la neige" ["The Return of the Hunters in the Snow"] -a tribute to Pieter Bruegel der elder-
- 30
- "Un carré" ["A Square"]
- 31
- "Un simple carré" ["A simple Square"]
- 32
- "Un cercle" ["A Circle"]
- 33
- "Un simple cercle" ["A simple Circle"]
- 34
- "La Conjecture de Syracuse" ["The Syracuse Conjecture"]
- 35
- "La conjecture des Nombres Premiers Jumeaux" ["The Twin Prime Number Conjecture"]
- 36
- "La conjecture de Goldbach" ["The Goldbach Conjecture"]
- 37
- "L'Hypothèse de Riemann" ["The Riemann Hypothesis"]
- 38
- "L'Hypothèse du Continu" ["The Continuum Hypothesis"]
- 39
- "Les décimales de π" ["The decimal Digits of π"]
- 40
- "3.1415926535897932"
4 - Best Of:
The Library of Babel in the style of Jean-Baptiste Camille Corot.
The Library of Babel in the style of Edgar Degas.
The Library of Babel in the style of la tour Eiffel.
The Library of Babel in the style of Hans Ruedi Giger.
The Library of Babel in the style of the cave of Lascaux.
The Library of Babel in the style of Benoît Mandelbrot.
The Library of Babel in the style of Claude Monet.
The Library of Babel in the style of Notre-Dame de Paris.
The Library of Babel in the style of Praxiteles.
The Library of Babel in the style of Auguste Rodin.
A Picture in the style of Stephen Baxter.
Some Pictures in the style of Jerôme Bosch.
Some Pictures in the style of Pieter Bruegel der elder.
A Picture in the style of Jean-Baptiste Camille Corot.
A Picture in the style of Salvador Dali.
A Picture in the style of Edgar Degas.
Some Pictures in the style of Max Ernst.
Some Pictures in the style of Piero della Francesca.
Some Pictures in the style of Hans Ruedi Giger.
A Picture in the style of Frank Herbert.
A Picture in the style of Praxiteles.
Some Pictures in the style of Rembrandt.
A Picture in the style of Auguste Rodin.
Some Pictures in the style of Yves Tanguy.
Some Pictures in the style of Jan van Eyck.
A Picture in the style of Vincent van Gogh.
Some Pictures in the style of Johannes Vermeer.
A Picture in the style of Richard Wagner.
A Self-Portrait of Gustave Eiffel.
A Locomotive in the style of Sandro Botticelli.
Some Airplanes in the style of Sandro Botticelli.
A Rocket in the style of Sandro Botticelli.
The Return of the Hunters in the Snow.
5 - Some Comments, Remarks and Questions:
These images unequivocally demonstrate that these GAIs are capable of transforming a few words (the prompt) into coherent images of remarkable complexity in a relevant manner.
Regarding those inspired by known artists, some have argued that they are merely mediocre copies that could fool no one.
This might be true, but the achievement does not lie there. It resides in the digital formalization of concepts gleaned from hundreds of millions of documents on the internet.
While it is indeed evident that upon closer inspection, an observant eye cannot be deceived and will immediately recognize
that this image is not an unknown canvas by Rembrandt, one can't help but question
whether it fits within his style and cannot be confused with this one.
If I chose to direct my prompts towards art and painting in particular, it was to narrow my experiments,
not to play the role of a forger.
Thus, what is truly astounding is the performance of the designers of these GAIs and that cannot be contested, unlike the artistic value of these images...
Once the amazement and dare I say, wonder, has subsided, a number of questions arise:
- How can we transition from the pictures utilized during the learning phase (which are, therefore, two-dimensional)
to concepts that are evidently three-dimensional (as seen through
light sources,
interactions between potential characters,...)?
- How are subtle notions such as "style" conceptualized and translated into the AI's understanding [11]?
- How can multiple concepts (such as the "Library of Babel" by Jorge Luis Borges and the style of Sandro Botticelli)
be brought together in such a seamless, coherent and harmonious manner?
- Let us recall that 1682 pictures are presented here but that at least twice as many were generated
and that those which were rejected were either out of personal taste or because they were too similar to others already archived.
And despite this large number of requests, pictures were never obtained that did not answer to the prompt communicated.
How is it possible?
- Do the creators of these GAIs truly understand them? Do they know how it works in intricate detail? Are they surprised,
astonished,... by the results obtained?
- Could the GAI explain the process from the prompt to the pictures? A "debug" mode would be highly appreciated.
- Is it possible to navigate interactively within the semantic space S?
One will nevertheless note a small numbre of anomalies
(but some are perhaps "voluntary" and/or they may have been corrected since their respective generation...) and for example:
Distorded bodies and faces, especially since they are small...
The female character has three arms and a single wing.
The saluting officer appears to have three arms.
The reflections on the surface of the pitcher do not correspond to the scene and in particular the wine glass is missing.
The reflections on the surface of the sleigh bell do not correspond to the scene and has nothing to do with it.
The birds in the sky appear much larger than the people.
The young girl is a driving backwards...
Structural paradoxes...
Unfinished structures or objects
(a frame by the window -left picture- or again a ladder -right picture-).
Perspective problems: the rear tail of the plane is behind the castle...
This plane has a wrong number of engines (2+1).
But can such a "punctual" defect be corrected? And how is a GAI debugged?
This locomotive cannot work (and this is true for almost all that have being generated).
This shows that these GAIs have no knowledge of the functioning of the systems that it is capable of representing.
Moreover, it is obvious that it doesn't know what the time is...
To correct this type of anomaly, it would be necessary for the learning process to focus not on static images,
as was the case for these GAIs, but on videos. However, the required computing resources are perhaps not yet available,
except that the announcement of SORA made by OpenAI at the beginning of 2024 could suggest that this is now possible.
Woke biases: it is quite obvious that Sandro Botticelli (1445-1510) could not have painted these faces...
Paradoxically, some pictures are too beautiful, too detailed, too smooth,...
This is the cas with pictures in the style of, for example,
with Giorgio de Chirico,
Paul Delvaux
or again René Magritte.
Just as paradoxically, pictures of the simplest objects are almost impossible to obtain.
As a result, it is almost impossible to obtain a picture objectively illustrating a specific subject even if it is simple,
but for how much longer?
Even if the number of possible pictures defies the imagination, it is finite and despite everything,
it is almost impossible to regenerate a picture already obtained,
which can have the advantage of guaranteeing the uniqueness.
Despite everything, would it not be possible for the GAI to provide on request, for each image generated,
a sort of key allowing it to be regenerated later if necessary?
At last, one will note an astonishing, unexpected convergence: the Library of Babel is practically infinite,
and therefore, it is impossible to explore even a partial portion of it.
Is it not the same with these GAIs that seem to contain a quasi-infinite number of pictures, of which we can never see more than a minuscule fraction?
Is these GAIs the Library of Babel?
6 - About Creativity and Consciousness:
Once again, it seems challenging to dispute the quality and originality of these pictures generated by these GAIs (and others).
There's no hesitation in asserting that it exhibits creativity! While this statement may be surprising to some, let's reflect on our own creative acts.
How do we generate new ideas? Certainly not out of nothing and I see two possible origins: firstly, interaction with our environment [12],
particularly through vision concerning pictures.
Secondly, I am convinced that at the subconscious level, there is a continuous "mixing" of previous ideas stored in our brain,
which should be viewed as a dynamic semantic space.
These new tools inevitably lead us to question whether our brain is nothing more than a "mere" machine.
With these undeniable successes, do Artificial Intelligences not demonstrate intelligence in its broad sense? And if so,
could they become conscious? If so, would we be aware of it? It seems that the emergence of consciousness is linked to complexity
(especially in connections), but also to "external" stimulation, ensured in us (and in "higher" animals) by our five senses,
and this may be what our Artificial Intelligences lack to reach this higher level of evolution.
Finally, can't these studies on Artificial Intelligences enlighten us about our own memory [13] and the production of our dreams during which,
as in the pictures presented above, known or fictional characters appear in real or imaginary settings?
Do these pictures reveal us the dreams of our GAIs?
7 - Conclusion:
Undoubtedly, in the span of a few months, a threshold has been crossed.
The victory of AlphaGo over Lee Sedol in the Google DeepMind Challenge Match in March 2016 already opened a breach and today,
the successes of GAIs demonstrate the enormous potential of this research.
What would Alan Turing have thought about it?
However, this emergence is naturally accompanied by sometimes justified fears:
- Can Artificial Intelligences escape our control?
- What about the "encounter" of Artificial Intelligences, weapons, blockchains,...?
- Will numerous professions (journalists, graphic designers,...) not disappear?
- Is the use of Artificial Intelligences not addictive?
- Will the capabilities of Artificial Intelligences in certain domains not lead to frustration among those who feel surpassed by their performance
(graphic creation, language translation, diverse text writing,...)?
- And what about environmental issues regarding the consumption of eletricity and water necessary for the proprer functioning of these systems?
We shall note in passing that the human brain (and of all living beings...) does not have the same needs, fortunately far from it!
- ...
But also many questions arise and for example:
- Who is the creator of these works: the GAIs designers, the users, both,...?
- Who is responsible in the event of a dispute or a disaster?
- The quantity of works thus produced risks increasing exponentially and mainly feeding ("self-feeding"?) the GAIs during the learning phases, thus
risking amplifying the inevitable biases.
- ...
But let's imagine in our living rooms wall screens exhibiting masterpieces of world painting from yesterday, today and tomorrow,
that have never existed and are constantly renewed by a GAI...
So, what surprise awaits us tomorrow?
Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic
Arthur Charles Clarke (1962).
8 - Some a posteriori Remarks and Questions:
Over the past few months, I have had numerous experiences with text-based AI:
They all demonstrated, on the one hand, that these GAIs were capable of an unbridled imagination and
on the other hand, that it was generally not possible to trust them when searching for reliable information
(I recall in this regard the hallucinations and mathematical ramblings of ChatGPT 3.5 and others...).
With the arrival of image-based GAIs, it was tempting to conduct similar experiments:
their results were presented above.
The conclusions drawn are the same: on the one hand, an "unimaginable" imagination and on the other hand,
the difficulty or even impossibility of obtaining exactly the simplest requested representations and finally, the impossibility of obtaining the same picture twice in a row.
Three criticisms were addressed to me following the establishment of this Museum of the Twenty-First Century.
First, it cannot be considered Art because Art can only arise from experience (and suffering?).
Second, there can be no creativity when it comes to machines.
Finally, one cannot confuse these pictures with "original" works.
Let us immediately address the issue of artifacts:
indeed, a problem seemingly known to the designers disrupts the hands, limbs, or faces of any characters when their size is small relative to the picture frame.
This allows for distinguishing between "classic" works and those from GAIs, although some artists such as Jean-Michel Basquiat,
Paul Rebeyrolle and Egon Schiele did not hesitate to do the same voluntarily.
To respond to these objections, let us examine some pictures from the collection presented above:
These few pictures, obtained almost instantly by "evoking" the names of
Hieronymus Bosch,
Jean-Baptiste Camille Corot,
Salvador Dali
Hans Ruedi Giger
can obviously be easily associated with these artists.
This means that the GAI, during its training, was able to formalize the style (and nightmares regarding Hans Ruedi Giger...) of the encountered artists,
allowing it to subsequently create pictures in their manner.
These are not mere copies of original works with some alterations or cut-and-paste jobs.
No, these are indeed new pictures (I cautiously do not say "works of art") resembling in their style, colors,
lights,... , old, or even very ancient pictures.
If we look closely, for example, at the picture made in the style of Rembrandt,
it seems to me that one would have to be in very bad faith not to recognize the style of the painter from Leiden in the use of light,
the characters and their costumes, the setting and the food, the atmosphere,... ,
even though it is not listed in the artist's catalog!
As for these two pictures from "bad anonymous painters":
it seems to me that we have seen worse in museums and galleries...
How is this possible?
These two pictures referencing Sandro Botticelli clearly demonstrate the creative capabilities of the GAI.
The locomotive in the style of Sandro Botticelli,
even if it is not functional (at the level of the connecting rods in particular), features three-dimensional decorations typical of the Italian Renaissance.
Moreover, its plume of smoke obviously recalls one of the artist's major works: "The Birth of Venus".
As for the airplane in the style of Sandro Botticelli,
it shows that the GAI has learned what an airplane is:
a machine designed to transport people (hence the carriage) in the air (hence the bird wings) and equipped with means of propulsion (hence the horse).
It seems to me that few creators would have imagined such an ensemble and thus, if the GAI produced this three-dimensional consistent picture,
did it not exhibit creativity? The answer seems obvious to me and thus, we must question what
our imagination is: could it not be "simply" the result of the constant mixing of the contents of our memory, continuously fed by our senses,
making us more predictable than we think?
What if these GAIs were relevant models of ourselves?
This GAI, like most others, relies on the concepts of:
- of formal neurons,
- of embedding,
- of gradient descent (during learning phases),
- of a high-dimensional semantic space SS containing tokens (pieces of words), isolated words, or even groups of words arranged such that the geometric distance corresponds to a certain semantic distance,
- of a very high-dimensional iconographic space IS containing encoded images arranged such that similar images are close to each other,
- of formal neuron networks highlighting the "links" between SS and IS,
- of random processes of choice, noise addition/removal and diffusion,
- of adversarial networks designed to judge the results, or even to invalidate them in case of non-compliance, for example,
- ...
All this can help explain how an original image specified by a simple prompt like a cat can be obtained.
But what about a more subtle prompt like an airplane in the style of Sandro Botticelli,
where one sees a sort of "reinterpretation" of "airplane" as {carriage,bird,horse}?
Unfortunately, this is still not enough for ME to explain:
- the possibility of having several very different notions in the same prompt,
- the coherence in the interactions of objects and characters with each other,
- homogeneity and unity,
- light and cast shadows,
- three-dimensionality,
- not to mention the speed of the processes (a few dozen seconds for a group of four similar images, while many must be conducting the same experiments at any given moment),
- ...
And finally, what about the designers of these GAIs? Are they themselves surprised by the wonders obtained?
On the famous site '' one can read:
We did not anticipate that this capability would emerge and made no modifications to the neural network or training procedure to encourage it
What to conclude from this?
Could it be that it works so well without us really knowing why, as is the case with
Mathematics and its formidable efficiency?
And ultimately, could this not signify the emergence not of an Artificial Intelligence (AI), but of a New Intelligence (NI)?
[See all documents regarding GAIs -including this one-]
- About twenty seconds for the given examples.
- It generally involves processing several hundred million {picture, description} pairs, requiring the use of high-performance computing and storage servers.
Particularly for formal neural networks, highly parallel NVIDIA processors are used.
- A picture in "raster" mode can be defined by three arrays of numerical values (with horizontal and vertical dimensions matching the picture),
each corresponding to the luminance of a primary color: Red, Green and Blue.
- It is, in a way, a form of semantic compression.
- This processing is called Embedding.
- The prompt corresponds to the natural language query (English, for example)
addressed to the GAI to describe what one wishes to obtain (a picture in this case).
- This was seen on several occasions with Sandro Botticelli, certainly because naked bodies had been generated.
- It is highly probable that the two sites
correspond to a single GAI, but with different access interfaces.
- Jorge Luis Borges is an Argentine man of letters.
In 1941, in a fascinating short story, he takes us into the universe of The Library.
The narrator, one of its countless servants, reveals what it could be: made up of shelves, corridors,
and endless stairs, it would actually contain all possible books printed in a single format: 410 pages,
each with 40 lines of 80 characters chosen from 25 possibilities.
Although finite (on the order of 101834097), the number of works surpasses comprehension, but very few,
of course, contain a completely intelligible text in a certain language (and yet, they exist somewhere, but where?).
And the only treasure the narrator has ever discovered in his tedious travels is a single readable yet incomprehensible sentence: Ô time your pyramids.
- Hans Ruedi Giger is the designer of the monster and sets for the film Alien, directed in 1979 by Ridley Scott.
- The style of certain artists of past decades is easy to formalyse as I have shown myself.
This is the case with:
Jean Arp,
Jean-Michel Atlan,
Robert et Sonia Delaunay
or again
Victor Vasarely.
But until recently, flemish artists seemed "inaccessible" and "untouchable" to me!
And it is no longer the case (see for exemple Jerôme Bosch and Pieter Bruegel der elder)...
- Nihil est in intellectu nisi prius fuerit in sensu
(Nothing exists in the mind that has not previously been felt), Saint Thomas d'Acquin.
- For example, do we really know how faces are stored in our brain?
Copyright © Jean-François COLONNA, 2024-2025.
Copyright © CMAP (Centre de Mathématiques APpliquées) UMR CNRS 7641 / École polytechnique, Institut Polytechnique de Paris, 2024-2025.