Heterogeneous -tridimensional anti-gaussian field- random meshing of a cube [Maillage aléatoire hétérogène -champ anti-gaussien tridimensionnel- d'un cube].
See some related pictures (possibly including this one):
(the node density is displayed using a set of increasing luminance colors
(the Red, Green and Blue components are random)
(the Red, Green and Blue components are proportionnal to the X, Y and Z coordinates respectively).
(the Red, Green and Blue components are random)
(the Red, Blue and Green components are proportionnal to the X, Y and Z coordinates respectively).
(the Red, Green and Blue components are proportionnal to the X, Y and Z coordinates respectively).
(CMAP28 WWW site: this page was created on 08/26/2015 and last updated on 02/28/2022 11:11:12 -CET-)