A 5x5 Sierpinski Carpet -iteration 1- using the 9 first prime numbers and displaying the digit '5' [Un tapis de Sierpinski 5x5 -itération 4- utilisant les 9 premiers nombres premiers et visualisant le chiffre '5'].
Here are the ten {0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9} digits displayed using respectively the ten following 5x5 square cuttings:
0 [1]
1 [PN(1)=2]
2 [PN(2)=3]
3 [PN(3)=5]
4 [PN(4)=7]
5 [PN(5)=11]
6 [PN(6)=13]
7 [PN(7)=17]
8 [PN(8)=19]
9 [PN(9)=23]
where PN(X)=Y means the X-th prime number is equal to Y giving the number of little grey squares defining the Sierpinski Carpet displaying the digit X.