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The bidimensional brownian motion of 891 light and small particles [Le mouvement brownien bidimensionnel de 891 particules légères et petites].

Inside a rectangular bidimensional domain there are 300 particles. 285 of them are light (ML=1) and small (RL=0.5) -the color of each particle depends on its initial coordinates {X0,Y0}- with random initial velocities and 15 are heavier (MH=4, MH=16 and MH=64) and bigger (RH=1.0, RH=1.5 and RH=2.0) -white- with null initial velocities. Over time, the particles collide and the impacts are perfectly elastic, meaning that momentum is conserved. The trajectory of each particle is a brownian motion when its velocity is a decreasing function of its mass. These simulations have a duration of 512 time steps.

The bidimensional brownian motion of 846 light and small particles + 45 heavier and bigger ones
285 light particles (ML=1,RL=0.5) + 15 heavier and bigger particles (MH=16,RH=1.5).
The bidimensional brownian motion of 846 light and small particles + 45 heavier and bigger ones
285 light particles (ML=1,RL=0.5) + 15 heavier and bigger particles (MH=64,RH=2.0).
The bidimensional brownian motion of 891 light and small particles
300 light particles (ML=MH=1,RH=0.5).
The bidimensional brownian motion of 846 light and small particles + 45 heavier and bigger ones
285 light particles (ML=1,RL=0.5) + 15 heavier and bigger particles (MH=4,RH=1.0).

See some related pictures:

The bidimensional brownian motion of 891 particles The tridimensional brownian motion of 1815 particles

(CMAP28 WWW site: this page was created on 03/26/2025 and last updated on 03/30/2025 19:23:33 -CEST-)

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Copyright © Jean-François COLONNA, 2025-2025.
Copyright © CMAP (Centre de Mathématiques APpliquées) UMR CNRS 7641 / École polytechnique, Institut Polytechnique de Paris, 2025-2025.