The Eratosthene sieve displaying the integer numbers from 1 to 128 [Le crible d'Eratosthène montrant les nombres entiers de 1 à 128].
The horizontal and the vertical axes display respectively the integer numbers X
and their possible divisors Y.
If Y divides exactly X, a green square with coordinates {X,Y}
is marked and else a red square is used.
At last, a white segment (obviously both ends are green since 1 and X
divide X whatever X) with abscissa X > 2 means that X is a prime number
(2 is the first prime number -the only one that is even- but it is not displayed
here by means of a white segment).
(CMAP28 WWW site: this page was created on 04/02/2015 and last updated on 03/03/2016
07:43:31 -CET-)