A Morlet wavelet [Une ondelette de Morlet].
The Morlet wavelet is defined as the following complex function:
2 2
| X | | Y |
|---| + |---|
| d | | d | X Y
- ----------------- i.|k|.[cos(t).--- + sin(t).---]
2 d d
F(X,Y) = e .e
On this picture, this particular wavelet uses the following parameters:
d = 0.10 (dilatation)
k = 6 (number of periods)
t = pi/2 (rotation)
The real and imaginary parts are displayed using the Red and Green picture components respectively.
(CMAP28 WWW site: this page was created on 11/15/2012 and last updated on 03/03/2016
07:43:11 -CET-)
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Copyright (c) Jean-François Colonna, 2012-2016.
Copyright (c) CMAP (Centre de Mathématiques APpliquées) UMR CNRS 7641 / Ecole Polytechnique, 2012-2016.