Bidimensional display of the integration of the Lorenz attractor system for 448500 different initial conditions [Visualisation bidimensionnelle de l'intégration du système de l'attracteur de Lorenz pour 448500 conditions initiales différentes].
Each {X,Y} point of this picture encodes a particular
Lorenz attractor (there are 448500 different ones).
Each one of them is caracterized with its initial
conditions chosen as follows:
x = X scaled within [-30.0,+30.0],
y = Y scaled within [-30.0,+30.0],
z = GREY(X,Y) within [0.0,+60.0],
where 'GREY' denotes a function of the grey level of the
current point. This picture
the 448500 integrations during 255 time steps; the initial conditions can
be viewed as the lower left picture and are computed as a gaussian field.
For each frame of this animation, the results are encoded as follows:
X = x (unchanged),
Y = y (unchanged),
GREY(X,Y) = z
a black and white scale is used -white points are the
closest ones when black ones are the farthest-.
Finally, this picture
and this one
a tridimensional rendering.
Instead of using regular initial conditions, any field can be tried.
For example a fractal field was chosen and the results are
displayed respectively during 127 time steps (the lower
left picture exhibits the initial conditions).
(CMAP28 WWW site: this page was created on 12/12/1996 and last updated on 04/26/2015
11:49:34 -CEST-)
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Copyright (c) Jean-François Colonna, 1996-2015.
Copyright (c) France Telecom R&D and CMAP (Centre de Mathématiques APpliquées) UMR CNRS 7641 / Ecole Polytechnique, 1996-2015.