Fractal Objects
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(published in Computer Graphics Interface'89, Canada, 06/1989)
Abstract: This paper describes a
new method for the generation of fractal
objects like mountains and clouds. It is based
on the superposition of independent N-dimensional
meshes. It is shown that with meshes of
dimension higher than 2, it allows the
animation of fractal objects, and for example
the simulation of cloud dynamics and
Keywords: animation, clouds, cloud dynamics,
earthquakes, fractal objects, mountains.
1.1-The recursive subdivision algorithm:
To generate, for example,
mountain surfaces using fractal techniques,
they are well known methods like Fourier
transform of white noise and recursive
subdivision [01][02]. The first one is slow, and
the second one shows artifacts. Let's recall it.
This algorithm starts with a triangle or a
quadrilateral: for this last case, let {V(1),V(2),V(3),V(4)}
be the initial two-dimensional quadrilateral;
on each side {V(i),V(i+1)} let's choose
(deterministically or randomly) a point P(i,i+1)
and inside of {V(1),V(2),V(3),V(4)} a fifth point P. Then
the five points P, P(1,2), P(2,3), P(3,4) and P(4,1) are
randomly moved along the third dimension,
thus giving birth to four new
"three-dimensional" quadrilaterals:
- {V(1),P(1,2),P,P(4,1),V(1)},
- {P(1,2),V(2),P(2,3),P,P(1,2)},
- {P(2,3),V(3),P(3,4),P,P(2,3)},
- {P(3,4),V(4),P(4,1),P,P(3,4)}.
Then the process is iterated
recursively for each new quadrilateral; at the
end, we obtain an irregular surface. This
process frequently shows artefacts (like
creases of slope discontinuities [02]) and
cannot model easily smooth terrains.
1.2-The superposition of independent two-dimensional meshes:
We propose a new method based on the superposition of
independent N-dimensional meshes. To be clear, let's
describe it with a two-dimensional example.
We shall use a set of square meshes
{M(1),M(2),...,M(m)} of decreasing sizes (the
smallest one is on the order of the pixel size).
We never require coincidences between nodes
belonging to various meshes, unlike the
recursive subdivision algorithm; thus the
computations of all the meshes will be
independent. For the mesh M(k) (k ∈ [1,m])
we generate on each vertex V(i,j) a random
value RDN(i,j,k,S) as a function of i and j
(the coordinates relating to the mesh M(k)), k
(the rank of the mesh) and S (a seed for the
random generator). Then the mesh is
"rasterized" in the following way: if the
current point P(x,y) is a vertex V(i,j), it will
receive the value RDN(i,j,k,S), otherwise, its
value will be interpolated between the values
of its neighbours. Finally, a two-dimensional
field is obtained by superposing and adding
point by point all the rasterized meshes;
show the sixteen first steps
of this iterative process. Then this
field can be visualized as a two-dimensional
field, as a three-dimensional surface (the
value at the point P(x,y) giving the third
coordinate), or again transformed (see figure
) and
combined with other two-dimensional fields
(see figures
The appendix gives a view of the available
tools for the manipulation of two-dimensional fields.
With this two-dimensional example, it
may be seen that this method gives us four
"degrees of freedom":
- the geometry of the meshes,
- the interpolation function,
- the random generator,
- and finally the mapping function between meshes and space coordinates.
Two interpolation functions have been
implemented: bi-linear and bi-cubic.
When used with meshes such that:
size(M(k)) = --------------
and such that one vertex of M(k)
coincide with one vertex of M(k-1), the
bi-linear interpolation can simulate the subdivision algorithm;
but unfortunately, this method
(the fastest) shows clearly slope discontinuities,
when the bi-cubic one looks more realistic.
Let E be a subset
of Rn with coordinates {x(1),x(2),...,x(n)}. Let
{M(1),M(2),...,M(k),...,M(m)} be a family of
hypercellular meshes of decreasing sizes:
size(M(1)) > size(M(2)) >...> size(M(k)) >...> size(M(m)).
It is important to notice that this family
is not obtained with a recursive subdivision
and that all its elements are independent. Let
RDN(x(1),x(2),...,x(n),k,S) be a random
generator; its arguments are the coordinates
{x(1),x(2),...,x(n)}, the rank k of the current
mesh M(k) and a seed S.
2.2-The hyperfield:
For each point
(x(1),x(2),...,x(n)) of E and for each mesh M(k) we
define a scalar hyperfield Fk:
Fk(x(1),x(2),...,x(n),k,S) = RDN(x(1),x(2),...,x(n),k,S)
if the point
{x(1),x(2),...,x(n)} of E is a vertex of the current
mesh M(k), and:
Fk(x(1),x(2),...,x(n),k,S) = Interpolation(RDN(X(1),X(2),...,X(n),k,S))
computed for all adjoining vertices {X(1),X(2),...,X(n)}
Here again, the Interpolation
function is an arbitrary one: it can be a
n-linear one using the 2n nearest nodes, a
n-cubic one, or again, any other function.
This is just another parameter...
2.3-The N-dimensional fractal field:
For each point }x(1),x(2),...,x(n)} of E we
define a N-dimensional fractal field F:
F(x(1),x(2),...,x(n),S) = / p(k).Fk(x(1),x(2),...,x(n),k,S)
where p(k) is a ponderation factor
such that:
p(1) > p(2) >...> p(k) >...> p(m).
The way p(k) is defined is
arbitrary, but can be chosen, for example,
proportional to the volume of the elementary
cell of the mesh M(k).
Let S be the physical space; it is a
subset of R4 (or R3, according to the
dimension of the simulation) with coordinates
(x,y,[z,]t). With these definitions, let's give
two examples of the animation of fractal objects.
It suffice to use
the preceding model with the following
mapping between S (= R3) and E:
x --> x(1),
y --> x(2),
t --> x(3).
shows sixteen frames
from a terrific (because of the amplitude...)
earthquake simulation. Each of the
"instaneous" mountains is obtained with a
two-dimensional cross-section inside the
three-dimensional fractal field at
t=x(3)=constant; then this "sub-field" is
visualized as a three-dimensional surface.
3.2-Cloud dynamics:
It suffice to
use the preceding model with the following
mapping between S (= R3 to reduce the
computing time) and E:
x --> [x(1) + dx(1,x(3))]
modulo L
y --> [x(2) + dx(2,x(3))]
modulo L
t --> [x(3)]
modulo L
where the vector {dx(1,x(3)),dx(2,x(3))} is
used to simulate the effect of the wind in the
(x,y) plane, and the modulo operators are here to
allow the generation of periodic sequences.
shows us a complex scene: a
fractal mountain obtained by the preceding
method of superposition, with three
two-dimensional fields of clouds with a wind
blowing from the right to the left:
dx(1,x(3)) = -PositiveValue.x(3),
dx(2,x(3)) = 0.
This simulation was only three-dimensional in order to
reduce the computing time. About the
shadows, the ones relating to the mountains
are correct, when the ones relating to the
clouds are simulated (due to their
two-dimensionality...) with a texture
mapping approach: at time t, a texture using
the clouds at time t+Dt (Dt << Lt) is computed
and then mapped onto the mountain surface.
this method is general; it allows the generation of
N-dimensional fractal objects, where one of
the dimension can be the time, thus giving
animation capabilities.
This algorithm is in fact a small component of a
much more larger software written to facilitate
the manipulation and the visualization of large
sets of scientific data [03][04][05].
A set of cpp macros (giving birth to C
or Fortran sources)
is the programming language and UNIX, the
operating sytem. Computing fractal objects as
fields allows us to manipulate them with
general tools. They are C-like functions, like
mountain(parameters), and each has its
counterpart at the Shell level: hundreds of
"pipeable" commands are available. Thus it is
valid to write (where 'parameters' denotes some lists of
or again, as a string of piped commands:
fractal_nD parameters | mountain parameters | display parameters
In both case, a N-dimensional fractal
field is computed and displayed as a
three-dimensional surface.
[More information -en français/in french-]
- [01]
A. Fournier, D. Fussel, L.
Carpenter, Computer rendering of stochastic
models, Communications of the ACM, 25, 6,
june 1982, pages 371-384.
- [02]
G. Miller, The definition and
rendering of terrain maps, Computer
Graphics, ACM SIGGRAPH, 20, 4, august
1986, pages 39-48.
- [03]
JF. COLONNA, M. Farge,
L'expérimentation numérique assistée par
ordinateur, La Recherche, 187, april 1987,
pages 444-457.
- [04]
JF. COLONNA, Visualization,
Computer Graphics World, december 1987,
pages 40-44.
- [05]
JF. COLONNA, Picture synthesis: an
essential tool for numerical experimentation,
Computer Physics Communications, 49,
1988, pages 215-228.
Copyright © Jean-François COLONNA, 1997-2024.
Copyright © France Telecom R&D and CMAP (Centre de Mathématiques APpliquées) UMR CNRS 7641 / École polytechnique, Institut Polytechnique de Paris, 1997-2024.