Click to download and possibly see the movie [Cliquez pour télécharger et voir éventuellement le film]

Spreading of an epidemic -color changes by means of contacts- [Propagation d'une épidémie -changement des couleurs lors des contacts-].

See the trajectories of the particles during this process:

The trajectories of the particles during the spreading of an epidemic -color changes by means of contacts-

See an artistic view of the trajectories of the particles during this process:

Artistic view of the trajectories of the particles during the spreading of an epidemic -color changes by means of contacts-

See some related simulations (possibly including this one) starting with just one infected person -red particle on bottom left picture-:

The 'exponential' spreading of a bidimensional epidemic -the COVID-19 coronavirus?- without confinement -300 particles-, with cluster(s), with a zero death rate and with a 100% infection, starting with just one infected person -red particle on bottom left picture-
Without confinement -300 particles- [sans confinement -300 particules-],
with cluster(s) [avec 'cluster(s)'] with a 100% infection [avec une contamination de 100%],
with a zero death rate [avec une mortalité nulle].

The 'exponential' spreading of a bidimensional epidemic -the COVID-19 coronavirus?- without confinement -300 particles-, with a zero death rate and with a 100% infection, starting with just one infected person -red particle on bottom left picture-
Without confinement -300 particles- [sans confinement -300 particules-],
with a 100% infection [avec une contamination de 100%],
with a zero death rate [avec une mortalité nulle].
The 'exponential' spreading of a bidimensional epidemic -the COVID-19 coronavirus?- with partial confinement -201 particles-, with a zero death rate and a 100% infection, starting with just one infected person -red particle on bottom left picture-
With partial confinement -201 particles- [avec confinement partiel -201 particules-],
with a 100% infection [avec une contamination de 100%],
with a zero death rate [avec une mortalité nulle].

The 'exponential' spreading of a bidimensional epidemic -the COVID-19 coronavirus?- without confinement -300 particles-, with a zero death rate and with a 50% infection, starting with just one infected person -red particle on bottom left picture-
Without confinement -300 particles- [sans confinement -300 particules-],
with a 50% infection [avec une contamination de 50%],
with a zero death rate [avec une mortalité nulle].
The 'exponential' spreading of a bidimensional epidemic -the COVID-19 coronavirus?- with partial confinement -201 particles-, with a zero death rate and a 50% infection, starting with just one infected person -red particle on bottom left picture-
With partial confinement -201 particles- [avec confinement partiel -201 particules-],
with a 50% infection [avec une contamination de 50%],
with a zero death rate [avec une mortalité nulle].

The 'exponential' spreading of a tridimensional epidemic -the COVID-19 coronavirus?- without confinement -1430 particles-, with a zero death rate and with a 100% infection, starting with just one infected person -red particle on bottom left picture-
Without confinement -1650 particles- [sans confinement -1650 particules-],
with a 100% infection [avec une contamination de 100%],
with a zero death rate [avec une mortalité nulle].

The human respiratory system:

See the three first (over 15) bifurcation levels of the human lung tree:

The three first bifurcation levels (over fifteen)of the human lung tree

See a model of the human pulmonary acinus made of a binary tree with 256 leaves:

A binary tree with 256 leaves

See the particle convection and diffusion inside a tridimensional binary tree model of the human pulmonary acinus:

Particle convection and diffusion inside a tridimensional binary tree model of the human pulmonary acinus without membrane permeability Particle diffusion inside the Hiroko Kitaoka model of the human pulmonary acinus with membrane permeability Particle diffusion inside the Hiroko Kitaoka model of the human pulmonary acinus with membrane permeability

See the Simpson paradox -and my own discovery of the "double" Simpson paradox- encountered when comparing the effect of two different medicines:

The Simpson paradox

(CMAP28 WWW site: this page was created on 05/11/2005 and last updated on 03/17/2025 14:11:22 -CET-)

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Copyright © Jean-François COLONNA, 2005-2025.
Copyright © France Telecom R&D and CMAP (Centre de Mathématiques APpliquées) UMR CNRS 7641 / École polytechnique, Institut Polytechnique de Paris, 2005-2025.