A virtual Earth-like planet (orange) is added to the actual Solar System;
Each frame of this animation corresponds to a particular trajectory of this planet
when moved from beyond Pluto -bottom left- to the Sun -top right- and 16.pi rotated (see figure "The journey of an Earth-like planet (orange) from Pluto to the Sun").
For each of these trajectories, a subset {Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, the virtual planet}
of the 11-body system is visualized
with the virtual planet at the origin of coordinates.
Each celestial body is colored according to its actual color (if possible...):
See some interesting Virtual planet points of view -on the right-hand side-
(with the related Heliocentric points of view -on the left-hand side-) from this interpolation:
==> ==> ==> ==> ==> ==> ==> ==>
See the same journey with the full Solar System -with non linear scales and slightly different colors-:
The relative trajectories look non periodical and even chaotic.
It is worth noting that the same phenomenon can be observed
with with pure uniform circular motions.
What kind of science -astronomy in particular- could be developped
in a such non regular context?
(CMAP28 WWW site: this page was created on 10/30/2006 and last updated on 03/16/2025 13:21:37 -CET-)