An extended Menger Sponge -iteration 5- using the 246.078 first digits -base 2- of a self-portrait [Une éponge de Menger généralisée -itération 5- utilisant les 246.078 premiers chiffres -base 2- d'un auto-portrait].
This picture is based on the principle used for the following one:
But instead of using the 1.168.749 first digits -base 2- of 'π'
it uses this binary picture line after line and column after column
starting at the top left.
The 246.078 first digits are {B,B,W,B,W,W,W,B,B,W,...}
('B' and 'W' meaning respectively 'Black' and 'White')
or again {0,0,1,0,1,1,1,0,0,1,...}
associated to the following rules {F,F,T,F,T,T,T,F,F,T,...}
defining the displayed Menger sponge.
(CMAP28 WWW site: this page was created on 08/21/2024 and last updated on 08/21/2024 19:05:07 -CEST-)