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(CMAP28 WWW site: this page was created on 06/07/1995 and last updated on 10/03/2024 17:20:27 -CEST-)
(published in The Visual Computer, Volume 11, Number 8, 11/1995)
Abstract: The human intelligence and in particular its
creative potential seems to be, for many scientists, made of
processes that cannot be automated by the means of a computer.
This WWW page tries to show, as already exhibited with the
fractal geometry, that the iteration and the combination of very
elementary operations can give very complex behaviours and
shapes. It will give some practical examples in order to
encourage reader involvement and new experiments in particular
during classroom settings.
Keywords: accumulation, brain, chaos, conformal
mapping, convolution, creativity, Fast Fourier Transform,
fractal geometry.
Whether the human brain is a machine or not is
one of the oldest questions posed by human beings.
Two answers are given: yes and no, neither being
scientifically justified. My personal view about this
question is that the brain is a machine
that constantly receives external data (by the means, for example, of
the visual system), transforms, processes and
memorizes it, and then produces output at the
muscular level (to walk, to talk,...). Creativity could
then be the "simple" result of numerous combinations
and transformations of former memorized data thus
giving birth, from time to time, to very surprising new
I should like to illustrate this personal point of
view by means of an analogy using very simple
computer graphics algorithms.
Genetic algorithms [01],
the fractal geometry and
the deterministic chaos
[02][03][04] have already
exhibited the fact that iteration and combination of
operations can result in very complex behaviours and
shapes. The main goal of this WWW page is to show
this remains true even with the most elementary
operations. Moreover, it should be noticed that most
chaotic processes are sensitive to rounding-off errors
(see [05] and
one of the author's WWW pages); the
consequence is that their results may depend on many
- the way parentheses are used,
- the system release (in particular the compiler's one),
- the compiling options,
- the instruction scheduling,
- the floating point processor,
- etc...
Then, the user could be faced with
impossibilities: for example, to reproduce results obtained before
upgrading his or her computer.
As suggested above, let us describe a few simple
tools for false color pictures (the extension to true
color pictures is obvious); figure "Four tool pictures" displays
four very simple "seed" pictures useful for our demonstration.
Nmin <= i <= Nmax
Nmin <= j <= Nmax
Nmin <= T(i,j) <= Nmax ∀ i,j.
The generalized product Pg = P1 x P2 of two
pictures P1 and P2 is then defined as:
(1): Pg(x,y) = M(P2(x,y),P1(x,y)) ∀ x,y.
In the most general case, this generalized
multiplication table is not symmetrical, ie:
M(i,j) # M(j,i),
hence the generalized product is not commutative:
P1 x P2 # P2 x P1
As examples, we are going to define two 3D
effects as 2D postprocessings. For this purpose we
shall assume that 3D pictures are generated by means
of the Z-Buffer technique [11], and that the content of
the Z-Buffer is available after visualization. The
description will be given for grey level pictures (the
extension toward true colors is straightforward). In
this context a picture is an array of integer values;
P(x,y) and Z(x,y) will denote respectively the pixel
value and the depth value (the third coordinate) at the
location (x,y). The following conditions are required:
Xmin <= x <= Xmax
Ymin <= y <= Ymax
Nmin <= P(x,y) <= Nmax ∀ x,y.
Thus Xmax-Xmin+1 and Ymin-Ymax+1 define the
dimension of pictures, when Nmax-Nmin+1 defines the
number of available grey levels.
We shall consider the Z-Buffer Z(x,y) as a
particular picture; we shall assume that the values of
the third coordinate have been casted to integers and
scaled within [Nmin,Nmax] where Nmin will denote
the foreground and Nmax the background (this
approach is devised with the aim of being implemented
in hardware).
(2): M(i,j) = (1-L).j + L.Nmax
i - Nmin
L = -------------
Nmax - Nmin
Then the generalized product:
Pg(x,y) = M(Z(x,y),P(x,y))
is a good visual approximation of the fog effect
(see figure "Mountains and fog"). From (2) we see that the pixel
values P(x,y) are transformed into Pg(x,y) in the
following way:
(3): Pg(x,y) = (1-L).P(x,y) + L.Nmax
Z(x,y) - Nmin
L = ---------------
Nmax - Nmin
When the point (x,y) is close to the foreground
(low values of Z(x,y)):
L << 1
and from (3) we see that:
Pg(x,y) ~ P(x,y)
The new value Pg(x,y) will differ only slightly
from the old one P(x,y); hence, the pixel values for
the points close to the foreground almost do not
When the point (x,y) is close to the background
(high values of Z(x,y)):
L ~ 1
and from (3) we see that:
Pg(x,y) ~ Nmax
The old value P(x,y) will be changed into a new
one, very close to Nmax; hence, the pixel values for
the points close to the background are of the same
order than Nmax, thus appearing very bright. In the
particular case where:
Nmax = 0
Nmax = 255
(3) can be simplified and written:
(3): Pg(x,y) = (1-L).P(x,y) + 255.L
L = --------
The following figures displays sixteen views of an
evolution of a form, before ("Cauliflowers, seaweeds, shells,...")
and after ("Cauliflowers, seaweeds, shells,... with fog") this processing;
the fog is far from being just an artistic effect: in this
case it gives a better understanding of the depth of the
objects visualized without compromising the
brightness of the picture.
1.1.2-depth cueing effect [12]:
It is defined as
the generalized multiplication table:
Nmax - i
(4) : M(i,j) = Nmin + (j - Nmin)-------------
Nmax - Nmin
then the generalized product:
Pg(x,y) = M(Z(x,y),P(x,y))
is a good visual approximation of a depth cueing
effect. In fact, this formula is transforming the pixel
values P(x,y) into Pg(x,y) in the following way:
Nmax - Z(x,y)
(5) : Pg(x,y) = Nmin + (P(x,y) - Nmin)---------------
Nmax - Nmin
It is obvious that this function decreases when the
depth value Z(x,y) increases; thus the closest to the
background the pixels are, the dimmer they appear. In
the particular case where:
Nmax = 0
Nmax = 255
(5) can be simplified and written:
255 - Z(x,y)
Pg(x,y) = P(x,y)--------------
It is noticeable that in both cases (ie. fog and
depth cueing effects), T(Z(x,y)) (with T denoting an
arbitrary function) could be used instead of Z(x,y)
thus allowing the "tuning" of the effect; for example
in the preceding example one can choose to use:
T(Z(x,y)) = --------
thus giving a brighter background. The function T
could be implemented as a Look-Up Table.
The generalized multiplication table
can be very useful in many other circumstances. For
example figure "The Generalized Product" shows
an animation of a texture [13]
obtained from the variable generalized product of two
much more simple pictures. In this case, the
generalized multiplication table is a moving
[Nmin,Nmax]x[Nmin,Nmax] subset of a given third
picture (its periodical motion gives a periodical
1.2-Convolution with a variable length kernel:
In general
convolutions are defined with 3x3 kernels [14]. Here
we are defining a variable length kernel: let K(i) and
I(i) be respectively a coefficient vector and an
inhibition vector (it defines which points are to be
taken into account and thus allows kernels of any
shape, something very useful for morphological
applications); their commune length is L(x,y)+1
where L is a function of the point (x,y). To simplify
the following presentation we shall assume that neither
points are inhibited: thus we shall ignore the vector
I(i) for the sake of simplicity. The neighborhood of
each point (x,y) is defined by means of a L(x,y)-point
"square" spiral; we denote h(x,y,i) and v(x,y,i)
respectively the abscissa and ordinate of the i-th point
of the spiral with center (x,y). At each point (x,y) of
the picture P we compute the value:
/ K(i).P(h(x,y,i),v(x,y,i))
(6) : C(x,y) = ---------------------------------
/ K(i)
Let us describe now one application of the
variable length kernel convolution.
depth of field effect [15]:
it suffices to define L(x,y) as:
(7): L(x,y) = k.(Z(x,y) - Nmin)
(where k is an optional scaling factor) and to
choose for example:
K(i) = 1.0 ∀ i
to obtain a good visual approximation of the depth
of field effect with the foreground being in focus (see
figure "Depth of field effect"). In the particular case where:
Nmax = 0
Nmax = 255
(5) can be simplified and written:
L(x,y) = k.Z(x,y).
To change the focus on the picture it is enough to
use T(Z(x,y)) instead of Z(x,y) in the above formula,
with T an appropriate function (see the paragraph 1.2).
For example, to focus on the center of the
tridimensional scene, it suffices to define T as the
| Nmax + Nmin |
(8) : T(Z(x,y)) = Nmin + 2.|Z(x,y) - -------------|
| 2 |
T(Nmin) = T(Nmax) = Nmax
Nmin + Nmax
T(-------------) = Nmin
Thus L(x,y) will be minimal at the center of the
scene (that implies no convolution at all) and maximal
whitin the foreground (Nmin) and background (Nmax)
planes respectively.
The purpose of this
chapter was to devise 2D post-processing tools with
the aim of improving the appearance of 3D pictures
(and only appearance, it does not pretend in anyway to
be a physical model). It has shown that very
straightforward methods are able to simulate visually
3D effects and consequently make these pictures more
easily readable; these methods could be implemented
in hardware without difficulties (see the reference [16]
for an example of a hardware implementation of a
powerful simple idea). It is noticeable these tools are
"pipable" allowing for example the display of depth
cueing effects simultaneously with depth of field (see
again figure "Depth of field effect")... Moreover, they are not limited to
these effects and for example, the generalized
multiplication table allows arithmetic operations
between pictures or again masking, when the variable
length kernel convolution allows variable filtering. At
last they are fully compatible with animations
(changing of the view point for example) as well as
with stereoscopic displays.
The life game
was initially defined by Conway [06]. It uses an empty
square mesh with all vertices turned off (the problem
of the boundary conditions will be discussed later); at
time t=0 some vertices are turned on (this is the initial
state). To go from the time t to the time t+1, it suffices
to count for each vertex M(x,y) the number N of its
8-neighbours, and then to possibly change the state of
M according to the following bidimensional automata
[R1 = birth] ((M(t) == 3)) ==> M(t+1) on
[R2 = death] ((M(t).IS.on).AND.((N < 2).OR.(N > 3))) ==> M(t+1) off
[R3] other cases ==> M(t+1)=M(t)
with N taking its value within [0,8], the preceding
rules can be "normalized" in the following way:
N 3
[R1 = birth] ((M(t) == ---)) ==> M(t+1) on
8 8
N 2 N 3
[R2 = death] ((M(t).IS.on).AND.((--- < ---).OR.(--- > ---))) ==> M(t+1) off
8 8 8 8
[R3] other cases ==> M(t+1)=M(t)
The set {M(x,y)} can be seen as a binary picture.
This definition can be generalized in the following way: let
P(t) be an arbitrary picture (displaying the state of
the extended game at the time t). For each point {x,y}
the following value is computed:
/ W(i).(P (h(x,y,i),v(x,y,i)) - Nmin)
----- t
C (x,y) = -------------------------------------------
t i=L(x,y)
/ W(i)
where h(x,y,i) and v(x,y,i) define the abscissa
and ordinate of the i-th point of a spiral with center
{x,y} respectively and W(i) is a weighting vector of
length L+1 (see the paragraph 1.2, where
the notion of inhibition vector is introduced in order to allow the study of
neighbourhoods of arbitrary shapes).
When chosing:
W(i)=1 ∀ i ∈ [1,L],
and a binary picture:
Nmin=0 (off state)
Nmax=1 (on state),
the value:
C (x,y) ----- C (x,y)
t \ t
------------- / W(i) = -------------.L
Nmax - Nmin ----- Nmax - Nmin
gives us the former number N of 8-neighbours of
the point {x,y}.
In the most general definition of the extended life
game, the picture P(t+1) is computed in the following
| C (x,y) |2
| t 3 |
- |------------- - ---|
| Nmax - Nmin 8 |
P (x,y) = Nmin + Nmax.e ∀ x,y
where the constant 3/8 is chosen according to the
rules R'1 and R'2; the maximum of this function is
obtained for:
C (x,y)
t 3
------------- = ---
Nmax - Nmin 8
The boundary conditions chosen have a very
important impact on the pictures produced; many
options are available, for example:
- giving a Nmin value to all the points outside the picture boundary,
- defining the picture space as a bidimensional torus,
- defining the picture as a window inside an infinite space.
The figure "Extended life game" gives an example of this process
with P(0)=GRID (see figure "Four tool pictures").
Let us define
two exclusive or operators Beor and Feor. Beor is
the binary one, when Feor is the fuzzy one defined as:
_ _
Feor(a,b) = max(min(a,b),min(a,b)) ∀ a,b ∈ R
in our specific case where a and b denote grey
levels, it can be defined as:
Feor(a,b) = Nmin + max(min(a-Nmin,Nmax-b),min(Nmax-a,b-Nmin)) ∀ a,b ∈ [Nmin,Nmax]
The wall-paper procedure WP [07] transforms the
picture P(t) into the picture P(t+1) and works as follows:
P (x,y) = eor(P (x,y),P ((x+tx) ,(y+ty) )) ∀ x,y
t+1 t t modulo Xdimension modulo Ydimension
where the eor operator is either Beor or Feor,
Xdimension and Ydimension denotes the dimensions
of X and Y axes respectively, and finally tx and ty are
two arbitrary translations within the picture plane (see
figure "The wall-paper process"
with P(0)=STAR (see figure "Four tool pictures")).
(with the word simple just indicating that no
antialiasing process is involved here...) Let us define
the two following picture transformations:
1 x -y
[SCM : ---] P(x,y) = P1((k1---------) ,(k2---------)) ∀ x,y
1 z 2 2 modulo Xdimension 2 2 modulo Ydimension
x + y x + y
2 2 2
[SCM : z ] P(x,y) = P1(k1.(x - y ) ,k2.2.x.y) ∀ x,y
2 modulo Xdimension modulo Ydimension
where k1 and k2 denote two arbitrary constants.
Let fft and
fft-1 denote the complex Fourier transform and its
inverse respectively [08]. With K being an arbitrary
picture (K stands here for kernel), the generalized
filtering transforms the picture P1 into the picture P as
P = GF(P1,K) = fft (complex(K)*fft(P1))
where complex denotes a function converting a
picture into a complex matrix, and
'*' is the product
"point by point" of the two complex matrices
(M=M1*M2: M(x,y)=M1(x,y)M2(x,y) ∀ x,y). For
example, if K is a centered gaussian field (see the
GAUSS picture of figure "Four tool pictures"), the picture P will only
display the low spatial frequencies of the picture P1.
What is of great interest for our purpose here is not to
use only one kernel-picture, but several obtained, for
example, by the incremental rotation of an initial
anisotropic one (see figure "Texture animation by means of the generalized Fourier filtering process").
Starting with
three pictures P1, P2 and K (the "interpolation
Kernel"), the Fourier interpolation computes a fourth
picture P "between" P1 and P2 as follows:
P = FI(P1,P2,K) = fft ((complex(K)*fft(P1))+(complex(complementary(K))*fft(P2)))
complementary(GreyLevel) = Nmin + (Nmax-GreyLevel).
For example:
FI(P1,P2,WHITE) = P1
(see the caption of figure "Four tool pictures" for the definition of the
picture WHITE). Figures "Texture animation by means of Fourier interpolation" and
"Texture animation by means of Fourier interpolation" give examples of this process.
When a set of related
pictures {P(t) | t ∈ [0,T-1]} is available (and obtained,
for example, with one of the previous processes), it is
sometimes interesting to accumulate them together
[09]. The easiest way to do that is to compute:
/ W(t).P (x,y)
----- t
P(x,y) = --------------------
/ W(t)
where W(t) denotes a weighting vector. Another
possibility is to consider each picture P(t) as a 2D slice
inside a 3D object, and to reconstitute this last one
allowing some of the grey levels to be transparent (see
figure "Synthesis of tridimensional textures"; it displays
the accumulation of 128 bidimensional frames generated
with the process "Texture animation by means of the generalized Fourier filtering process" -the step then equals pi/256-).
The last process I shall
introduce here is 3D visualization of a 2D scalar field
(a grey level picture, but as mentioned earlier, the
extension of this process to true color pictures is
obvious). The idea is far from new and consists of
translating the grey levels of a picture into height data
[10]. It gives, for example, an easy way to exhibit
correlations between two 2D scalar fields (the first one
being displayed as a 3D surface and the second one
being a texture mapped on the former surface).
Both for the sake of simplicity and in order to
display here only simple pictures, I shall only use here
a process giving bird's-eye view bumping (including
shadowing). Taking a height field H and a texture T, it
produces the picture P:
P = B(H,T) = bumping(H,T)
and then give body to a flat picture.
Once again, my purpose here is not to exhibit very
new and complex algorithms, but only to remind the
reader that simple processes, when iterated and
combined together, can give birth to very complex and
unpredictable shapes (in the computer graphics realm)
and behaviours. The figure "Synthesis of tridimensional stained-glass window" displays four frames from
an animation produced using almost all the preceding
It can be described as:
G(0) = GRID
G(t+1) = ELG(G(t))
with t ∈ [0,127]
(when in fact it is a little more complicated for it is a
true color one).
The shapes then obtained surprised me,
even though the computer did nothing more than to
execute my requests; as stated earlier, the
combinations and the iterations of simple processes
(using simple "seed" pictures) give birth to very
surprising pictures (I dare not say beautiful), some of
which are even "biological". This must be a lesson for
us: simplicity can produce complexity, and then
surprises for the observer. My surmise is that when an
artist creates such pictures ("by hand"), they are only
the result of numerous combinations and
transformations of preexisting elements stored in his
memory (each coming either from his five senses or
from former "computations") and nothing more.
The algorithms described in this WWW page are
elementary and then easy to implement by novice
programmers, when the starting pictures
"Four tool pictures" (WHITE,
GAUSS, STAR and GRID) suggested here are very
simple. I should like to encourage reader involvement,
in particular in classroom settings, with experiments
(about starting pictures, kernel pictures,
parameters,...) giving birth to the huge variety of
shapes and textures needed for our future virtual
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Copyright © Jean-François COLONNA, 1995-2024.
Copyright © France Telecom R&D and CMAP (Centre de Mathématiques APpliquées) UMR CNRS 7641 / École polytechnique, Institut Polytechnique de Paris, 1995-2024.